Sunday, December 28, 2008

why is everyone complaining bout being F-A-T ?

look at my fattie thighs ! so gross , right ?
my tummy ! although i iron it very often , yet it still FAT !
and my arms so HUGEE

carmen has turned into a obese , seriously !
why is everyone so skinny ?

human , u seriously gotta chill !!
just compare me with you .. and u 'll see whos the fattie 1

roflmao .
i rather being slighty a lil fat then starving myself to dead ,
cuz i experience gastrik before .. well.. it really really hurts .

people who experience it before .. know how does gastrik feels like , do u ?

but i cant resist all those delicious-food-but-coated-with-tons-of-fats
like .. fast food , perhaps ?

seriously , why cant we all be fat but happie ?
can eat all you want , watever you want , isnt that just won-der-ful :D

i wouldnt want to return to school with my fattie obese-ness body ..
diet pills ? NO-NO
exercise ? i exercise tons of times yet im still FAT

should i be fat but happie or skinny but sad ??
btw , i heard rumours that when you'r sad .. you gain weights faster ( but dont know whether true ornot la)

*change my food menu*

so , you guys out there whos sad bout ur body size or weights ..
bcuz someone here is wayyyy fatter than you ( and that's not a good thing)

oh but dont worry , i'll change my food portions from now on.
candy ? once a while , but not everyday *hides my candy castle*
ayam goreng ? NO-NO

p/s : this is just a for-fun-fattie-diary-for myself.
pls dont not kena offended by what i wrote (:
TQ verymuch

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