Thursday, December 18, 2008

hang out (:


slept at 4 & wakeup at 10 (thx to amanda's morning call)

amanda cooked egg for us.
we make pudding together
pudding + lychee + mango + honey dew

it's deliciousssss ~
*does the yatitake movement*

gave karmang some (; [hope she likes it]
went to karmang 's house :P

let me present.................

weisim playing marriage d'amor in karmang 's house (:
enjoy xD

p/s if u see properly .. there's 1 part of karmang N her sis candid-ing (:

video credit:
karmang ( for the piano)

anyways , will be off to hometown .
wont be online-ing
i 'll be BACK on the 22th ( cuz it's my mom 's bday)


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