Saturday, December 27, 2008

smile even when you dont mean it

oh yes , that's a balloon xP
a YELLOW balloon ..well..sorta ?

anyways , dont mind me being lame (as usual)
dont worry , my lame-ness will automatic-ly stop during 2009

form2 life is starting ...
am getting ready to study like nerd :)

mom says ,
learning violin is just waste of times , have to spend atleast 2,000 ++ ekonomi Xbagus
so yeah , even if i do buy a violin , she wont pay a single cent :/

these days ,
i've been imagine-ing that i 've a violin ..
pretending like i 've one
it's really fun , REALLY (not)

i have decided to buy a violin no matter what !!
it's passion after all .

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