Wednesday, December 31, 2008

hangout ?

to : amber yeee, regine leee , joanna cheongg , nicole cheongg , amanda loww , nurul hannaa

hangout / party at my place on this friday

place : metropolitan sq . ( im sure you guys know where is it )
if donno .give me a call or sms will do - 0196937333

time : not very sure (will be on the time when everyone's free) 12+ ??
will confirm by sms

you can be your own host :D
bring whatever you want to play with .

*pls bring extra cloth . xDD
* if you want , bring along your swimsuit ,towel pun boleh xD
*bring rm10-ish . sorryy . you have to pay for your own food (pizza/McD or wtv la)

if this date is not suit-able for you guys , pls info me so i can change it ASAP


new year !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2009 !!!!!! woohoo ( not)
bought books yesterday .
saw hanna , went to see the class-list
dam dissapointed .
that's all i want to say .

blurrrrrrrrrr 0_O
smileeeeeeeeeeeee :D

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