Monday, December 8, 2008

fever .. AGAIN .. and talking bout "dead"

by the time u read this , i might be dead .

lOl . the tittle says it all.
what's wrong with me ?? why am i always sick ???
damn , i have to suffer AGAIn T.T
my head is like in the oven .
hands & legs are as cold as in a -16degree place .
& pls tell me a very good reason why am i still here ?
anyways , currently hyper obbessed with M-O ( that lilz chute robot there)

question that nobody could answer

1. how does it feels like dying ?

2. how would u know when u'r dead ?

Q :where do u go when u'r dead ?

A :ur soul will fly out from ur body , u can go where-ever u want for free .
u might even can go visit ur home & tell ur parents that u'r OKAY .
u 'll be able to get all the freedom u always wanted .

Q: what's is "death" ?

A : Death is the permanent termination of the biological functions that define living organisms. It refers both to a specific event and to a condition, the true nature of which it has for millennia been a central concern of the world's religious traditions and philosophers to penetrate; in particular, the possibility or otherwise of what is known as life after death.

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