Saturday, December 13, 2008


CF08 & ( chinese festival thingy ) is on the same dayy . sighhh

sighh. which 1 should i choose ? Sleep smiley Pictures, Images and Photos

CF08 - bought the tickets already
chinese festival thingy - will be going to grandpa 's house

i wouldnt want to miss CF08 ( if jojo is still fetching me there la)
dam , can i cut myself into half ? *cut* (but failed)

tra-lalalalalalaaaa Nodding Pictures, Images and Photos
still over-joy bout my phone .

finally .. the phone-freedom smiley faceh for kaz Pictures, Images and Photos

NO more kena banned from phone(again)
NO more limited sms-es ( well .. have to pay it myself la )
NO more ...... p/s this doesnt means anything

wee~ the phone freedom that i always have been waiting for smiley Pictures, Images and Photossmiley Pictures, Images and Photos

so.. from now on you guys are free to sms / call me anytime

but , im sorry to say.. it's CELCOM smiley faceh for kaz Pictures, Images and Photos

ouais(means yeah) , i know.. most of the teens have their freedom already ... so i shouldnt be so over-joy Sleep smiley Pictures, Images and Photos

sighhh.. what should i do ?

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