Saturday, January 30, 2010



version 2 #

downloaded some brushes & decide to test it . hmm..comment ? (:
mm...i think i still needa work on the blending :/

Friday, January 29, 2010

Fall in love, is this really happening?
Are you my last lover?
I want to believe , I have to believe forever.

Sleepless nights thinking of you
Whispering your name again
It is so painful and
I cant stop reading your messages
I miss you every second
Im afraid to be too selfish
I wanna believe, This feeling is real

Fall in love is this really happening?
Are you my last lover?
I want to believe I have to believe forever.

Fall in love does not need anything
All I need is you, you are precious to me
Keep your hands connected with me forever.

This is the first time I felt this way
I want to remember this feeling Baby
You're afraid of your heart being broken
I promise you I'll protect it
If there is a destiny
I want it to be you
I wanna believe This feeling is real

Fall in love is this really happening?
Are you the last lover?
I want to believe I have to believe forever

The constellations of winter and the summer sunsets
I wanna look at them with you forever

Fall in love while you hold me
Why would I feel like crying?
Tears keep falling, and I cant stop them

Fall in love does not need anything
I have you and you are precious
And do not end our love Forever


happie 1month anniversary , baby pup (;
iu (:

hehe :D
Muax~ ^^

Thursday, January 28, 2010


There's a bunch of humans gathering near the drain there while derek asked me whether i wanted to see a frog ornot .
i was curious , so i went there to 'tengok'. Guess what i saw ? a bunch of fools torturing the poor little frog. wengkeat took a brick & threw it .. *BANG* it hit !!
all you can see is a pitiful frog that 's trying to escape HELL .. & yes , his leg bleed . They were not satisfied as they did not killed the frog .. so they tried & tried for a million times .
I was there screaming my lungs off ... "PLEASE DONT ! PITY THE FROG ALRIGHT , YOU COLD-BLOODED FOOLS" .. well , they did not listen .. in fact , they were laughing in joy .
guess what ? yes , they succesfully killed the frog after million times of bricks-throwing.

i was soooooo damned pissed at them til i ignored them for erm..few periods ?
after that wengkeat said 'dont be sad la blablabla, i'll give u a frog tml .'
Well , obviously i didnt believe him in the first place..

BUT , on the second day , he took out 1 frog plushie & gave it to me (: (:

at first i thought it was a real frog...


ahahaha , && yes .. i re-blinged my phone already..
& i just dropped my phone -_________-

tml tml. howhowhow?? D:D:D:D:
i cant sleep tonight until i finish it.
cant wait , (: (: (:


you know those 'gergaji jig' we used in kemahiran hidup ?
those scary freaking thing .
large_th60e.jpg (217×230)

EW . seriously , i hate it .
the first time i use it was monday , during kemahiran hidup.
anyway , when i pressed that idiotic button , the thing goes crazy &&& it starts to cut those wood apart && all those tiny 'wood-thingy' fly into my eyes & stuck in there >_>
it hurts like *#&@#$%@#@## !!

oh oh ,
tml is

♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥ :D

1month anni (:

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


*click* open photoshop.

anyway , since i 've already opened photoshop , so yeah , here's a uber SIMPLE picture without any "brushes" . Just picture & text for my reader to eyebleed because of ugly-ness .

alright ,
enjoy eye-bleeding :D

edited ;
sorry , just realized there's a spelling error there :O

gomen gomenn~ :(


Out of boredom , i tear off my bling-bling that's on my phone , now it turned like shitty shit .

okay lah, the main reason why i tear off because i bought new blings (bigger ones) && wanted to bling another design but obviously no time , FML .

gawd , i really kesian my phone ... i really do !

anyway , here's a picture of me studying like a nerd 8D

Oh ,
i've been listening to "SNSD-Oh " ..
NON-STOP !!!!!

check it out & u'll end up like me :D

omgee,so hawt so cute so nice the dance til i wanna die .
lol. just kidding.


school was normal. will blog about the "frog" when i am free , or rather finished watching 'welcome to NHK' .
anyway ,
went to makan lunch with baby pup again . (:
will blog about it soon aswell ;D

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


this is seriously something to die for . i couldn't deny that heels are getting more & more prettier than ever . my gosh , just take a look at it ... even a glimpse of it could kill you as its way too hot to withstand . omgee D:

Monday, January 25, 2010


Whenever someone talks bout pizza. it immediately reminds you of pizza hut or domino , right ? but , ever since i dine-in in prego , a italian restaurant in westin hotel . It changes the whole look of pizza to me . Im greeted by mouth-watering freshly baked pizza in a wooden oven . i ordered quattro formaggi which means 4cheese pizza which is - taleggio, mozzarella, gorgonzola and fontina . it probably sounds kinda strange to you but welcome to the world of italian cheese. i absolutely love the slight blue cheese taste , the vibrant taste of it still remains within my mouth . anyway , other then that , i ordered "sottobosco" pizza as well. "sottobosco" is not bad .. but nothing compare to four cheese . To make things better , i got a complimentary kahlua with milk cocktail. Kahlua with milk is a dark , semi-sweet liqueur with coffee base, therefore , mixing with milk is the bomb.

alright. will continue later bout the pasta-s when im free (:
hope u enjoy reading x)
TQ (:


alright . let's see.
im sticky ,
im smelly ,
im sweating .. in front of the comp :D haha lol

practise merentas desa was okay lo xD it could be better if my side-stomach dont hurt as much.
thankz baby pup for fetching me home (: xie xie , ily (=
sadly , my phone credit habis jor bcuz i took my mum's rm2 credit :D hahaha

can't stop listening to - SNSD - "oh"

♥ it's addictive (:

Friday, January 22, 2010


Every time you smile at me , it may mean only a little to you, but it means the world to me . (:


i could no longer control my mouse like what i did last time.
i couldn't even draw or edit pic in PS T_T
hmph....i should get a new mouse soon :D
hehe (:

while downloading rocketdock,windows7 remix , avedesk , rainmeter etc etc for my comp..then suddenly lag like shit >_>
i keep switch users between mine & the public 1.. but then ar.. i couldnt use google chrome on my "page" T>T

wat.the.hell la :(
im so effin tired now & i HOPE i could customize my desktop like how it looks like last time then i'm off to bed already.. BUT , stupid comp isn't being a good "girl" now T_T

Shit le ,



hi ♥`~


TQ (:

hm.. went to kim gary with babypup,kokann,gareth & gang .
roflmao =) they'r so funny , i practically laughed my ass off most of the time.. well, its fun.
thankz babypup for the lunch @ kim gary (:
of all thing , i the dessert [it's soooo sweet cuz he feed] roflmao XD
after tht , we jalan back && erm..

muaxxx (=


iloveyou (:

Thursday, January 21, 2010


i draw according to my mood (:
imagination , delusion , illusion ..

pwease ignore those fugly ball on a stick thingy . i was kinda' tired tht time .. (:
oh & that sting-ray-like thingy black&white Checkered Box
thingy ..pwease ignore it aswell T_T
TQ (:
i was in the car && it was my good-hair-day . roflmao =D so i quickly snap.snap.snap (:
here are 2 random picture of me smilling showing my teeth ( which is something i wont do often ,lol ) well.. obviously cuz i've bucktooth =.="
#1 : hmm..(:
#2 : RAWR :D

there's too many picture waiting for me to upload but hmm.. tired & needa' study XD
so yeah xD

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

omgee T_T#

yay! my comp is alive again :D lol .. but sadly all my beloved pics/video/songs .. all gone T_T

you have no idea how many anime pic i have inside my comp .. lol
sigh T^T

google chrome , rainmeter , all my desktop goodies even MSN also gone :(

Sob :( :(

Sunday, January 17, 2010

♥ ♥~#

now its 1112 (:

imma waiting for 1210 then my baby is official 17 liao XD haha

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥'

hmm..dunno whether will he like the gift ornot :P

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Saturday, January 16, 2010

hikki/otaku mode#

it's 1216 now . & im pwetty energetic now (:

wallpaper of the day - mecha loli . ahahaha XD

im on my hikki/otaku mode now.. so yeah .. i 'll be talking bout anime in this post ;P haha

omg . Welcome to NHK is soooo erm..awesome&weird&awesome ? Lol XD
i just watched 1/3 of ep1 only ;P puri purinn~ hahaha

wanted to watch true tears but now its schooldays-like .
those like love rectangle then kill here kill there type >_>
example : girl1 killed boy1 with a kitchen knife after tht she saw a fishball on the table ..
girl1 took it & wipe it with boy1's blood .. then lick it .. then eat .
[ if u've seen the screenshot u'll definitely get nightmare ]

Carm has been spamming tengen toppa op on the speakers .. but my ears seems to be okay with it :D awesome , isn't it ?

&&& omg , ng kok ann is my son in fb ._. lol
nah, you should know whos the dad . ROFLMAO :D
just kidding~

Friday, January 15, 2010


ini lah awesome-ness/gila-ness of touhou~ (:


i hate my eyes who always imagine stuff.
i hate my eyes who always see wrong stuff .

dunno why but i feel very down. seriously , do not know why :/
i wanna be in anime .. so carefree .. so perfect ..
you can never blame a geek for being soooooo obsessed with anime , can you ? its cuz i've been listening to sad songs . roflmao :D

i wanna sleeeeepp :(
i wanna play touhou T_T

Illusionary Night Ghostly Eyes

Border between Dream and Reality

ahhh~ feel better now as i'm listening to calm songs (:

i ish so damn weird . kthxbye


went to have lunch wit pup again (: (:
sooo cute la him <3
haha xD
will blog properly soon :D
busy busy busy ;P

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


this is wat i've been drawing instead of studying -.-
watthe ..
anyway , it's inspired by aisaka taiga from toradora cuz of palmtop tiger (: (: (:
&& YES , mirra-chan *tht drawing* is a tiger :D hahaha i wanted to draw more strips but obviously i was
LAZY :D haha
so yeah , she turned out to be like tht la :( but okay lo .. XD hahah

anyway , i drew BRS as well. =D =D =D
ahaha. but obviously i 'm inlove wit my "mirra-chan" instead of BRS :D
cuz cuz cuz she is soooooo kute (= haha

:D roar.
she looks like she's wearing a bunny suit but she isnt !! XD will upload the other pic tml :D

Monday, January 11, 2010


okay. eye hurts . suddenly become like this -> :'(

okay. a kawaii chibi Kyoka Midarezaki pic to heal my eyes (: (: (:

3373689904_4966d25e17.jpg (375×500)

sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo kute (:

hahah XD


SO , during a very very nice afternoon .. i was still lying down on ma bed as i was uber lazy to get up .. uncle peter (my transporter) called and asked whether want to teman those small chibi koreans to visit klcc as they'r going back to korea soon T>T

after spending 294478237hours there . we went to fatty crab *ahem* overrated *ahem* to makan crab with those koreans =D ahaha.
guess how much we ate ? rm500+
haha . obviously lo . 12teens(include me) , 5kids & 3adults =D woots.

my gizari fail batik T>T seriously i thought i could do better .. :(
this is me XD wearing 1 of the karya x) p/sp/s . looks like some1 from naruto rightright ? xD
oo. after fatty crab, i went to pasar mlm & bought this kawaii dog paw plushie XD so soft x)
&& it was 23 Only ! tht's why i buy ++ it looks like some1 's hand (:
*hug* soft soft ;3

anyway , back to the batik place [:
priceless picture (altho i look ghey) Lol xD
actually we wasnt even allow to touch it but joo young & joo yong(koreans) wanted to take a pic so i teman them lo (: <3

oversized hat xD
hmmmmmm.. glass art (:

oh well , i guess tht's all.
im so gonna miss u both (=
thx for singing k wit me inside peter's van (=
thx for those korean candy (=
thx for the memories (=
oo . thx for teaching me how to speak (:

will rmb u both always (;

Saturday, January 9, 2010

weird feelings#

pwease do not mind this weird picture as the main pic , TQ

im just feeling kinda' weird .. i do not know why ..
ya know , dad sold bravo already to a irish lady tht stays in taman tun . oh well , he is happy there rather than being tied 24/7 because i stay in a condo .. & u know condo ish so small & isn't dog-friendly. from april til now , he has gotten like 3letters from the office lol. cuz once he barks , u'll go deaf immediately .. YES , so "omg-so-loud&deep-i-can-go-deaf-type" .
as you know .. he is a medium sized dog so obviously can't pee on the floor la , cuz his pee is so much till it could fill up a 1.5 liter bottle (read:Hard to clean) . SO yeah , he needa tahan his pee/poo sometimes if no1 's at home (pity him laah) etc etc .
.. lOl. i forgot wat i wanted to write lol.
anyway , she is a good new owner , even better than me . thankyou for giving me such a wonderful memories (:
haha. i still can visit him anytime i want la ;P so i guess tht's the reason why i don't miss him that much ? or maybe im just emotionless ? no1 knows .

roflmao =D this pic looks like bravo is kissing me , BUT he isnt ! When i snap this pic HE NYAM-NYAM turn to my side . lol

thx for gimme me such a wonderful memories . (;

oh oh , speaking of memories.. i think tht memories can be created thru photos only .Cuz as human grow older.. they tend to forgot bout the past. yeah, i guess that's why i likez taking picture so much (: Well , you all probably would say stuff like .. why would i wanna rmb bout the past? god gave us 1pair of eyes infront is bcuz he want us to forget bout the past & work hard for the future .
.. i would say .. sometimes .. sweet memories is worth being rmb x) &&& NO , i do not know wat am i talking bout . lol.

OH , Hi my jackson tan chen seng .. i know you'r reading this x) haha.

Friday, January 8, 2010


oh well, 1week of school has pass (:
as usual , school is pwetty much normal ... or u can say boring la (except tht i can see him everyday) lol (: roflmao =D

i've been watching code geass like nobody's business = =
it's addictic XD hahaha

my home-made greentea ice cream posing with my drawings xD lol


edited on 1249 ; cuz im boreeeed T_T

no mood to watch anime now. fb no1 online . cannot go out wit sann&yi tmr . sighhhh T_T
but atleast i got my jackjack to chat wif :D <3

Thursday, January 7, 2010


ya know , i've dyed my hair like colours -.-
purple : front
Pink : side
Blonde-ish : behind few strands .

ALL i can say is ZOMG -.-
seriously. Light pink is "omgomgomgomg-only-suitable-to-go-sungai-wang" type -.-
Seriously !! last time when im like.. form1 ? i thought pink hair is "omg-so-leng-so-sexy-so-special" .. but when u really did it , u 'll regret -.-

&&& after a few washes , the colour will OBVIOUSLY fade ..&& it makes your hair looks "dirty".. XD

roflmao :D
if u've been "Stalking" my blog for quite awhile .. u guys probably saw me with the "hightlighted-hair" .. Lolx XD

& so you know , school's starting : needa dye back all black XD
&&&&&&& everyone said i look younger (OMG,COMPLIMENT !XD) (:
haha. not fully black lah (: still got abit brown x)

lol . so yeah , loving my black hair & probably not gonna dye crazy colours anymore (:

retarded pic to entertain ppl :D

Miss him lah :(
roflmao x)

P/s : i think i got eye problem la :/
example : someone typed "MARSHMALLOW .. & i actually saw it as "MUSHROOM" -.-
lollloll . no joke :D after me rubbing my eyes x10 its still "mushroom"
only until when after 1-2hours , i tengok again...only realized its MARSHMALLOW xD


signing off now ;

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Hehehe x)
school was normal , as usual. x)
aiyar , ntg to blog about xD hahaa

just 2 picture to keep this blog from dying :D
as usual , short update . x)


Tuesday, January 5, 2010


lol. went to makan ipoh hor fun with pup (=
sorry ya , u waited so longgggg :( sorry pup :(
haha. has lotx of pic but i think this is the cutest 1 <3

oh btw ,
joanna ashley ffk la T_T haha
okay okay. short update . needa study (:

""When i text you, that means i miss you. When i don't text, that just means i'm waiting for you to miss me."

Monday, January 4, 2010


first day of school was.. ok lah =D
hehe. have been sms-ing pup kao kao
<3 (=
lol. =D
after tht during recess , pup wit his gang all stand 3rd floor then keeping waving to me :D cute cute cute (only pup la) hahaha :3

after tht , went home.
papa told me this :
" Ya lah...hahahahaha...he has your profile picture as his wallpaper...awwww :) "

haha. seriously i've been smiling kao kao x) even now XD
he did told me tht he wanted to but i didnt expect him to really put it (= TYTY <3>

cat-and-dog1.jpg (318×353)

Kitty & puppy (L) :D

Sunday, January 3, 2010


TMR school starting liao T_T
Bye bye nails , Bye bye hair~

just a short update before me going to tesco to buy stuff for my creamy pea soup =D muahaha :D


Saturday, January 2, 2010


um. pup wants me to blog ..
so here i am XD

lolx. random picture of a cat when im eating at ampang there :) the satay ish awesome =D
then suddenly this cat looked at me like tht .. *Stare* for awhile after tht she jumps on me :P

cute righhht ? :D


Friday, January 1, 2010

new year's resolution#

Happe Late New Year everyone :D
I was bored , tht's why i've decided to try on my New Ps 's brush xP roflmao =D

anyway, my new year resolution is ..~

#1 : Concentrate more on studies xD

#2 : Get fit x) x)

#3 : SLEEP early !! :O

#4 : BE a Happier Person ! :D :D

#5 : dont waste $$ , think before purchase =D

# 6 : bath earlier !! lol.i have a habit bathing at night /midnight roflmao =D

#7 : Dont be emo again !! :)


    10 things i discovered in 2009
    #1 : i<3pup (=
    #2 : i enjoy making mochi (= (=
    #3 : i looks weird in bangs xD
    #4 : i likez yogurt ? (LOL)
    #5 : black & white is awesomeee XDXD
    #6 : dining at Chiaroscuro is a indeed unforgetable moment XD
    #7 : i seriously Need to get braces = = lol
    #8 : i lovelovelove greentea icecream xD
    #9 : Facebook is indeed awesome x)
    #10 : graphic designing is fun only when u'r bored :P

oh crap = = , school is starting soon & im not ready yet . D:
i want more holidays T_T so tht i can chat with him til late atnight then wake up late late (=
haha =D

mmmm.. yea know , my uncle gave me a violin on new year day xD
so now i just needa change the strings & buy the rosin for it (:


LOl. random pic from my kawaii collection of plushie 8D

bah , nothing much to blog about x)
