Monday, January 25, 2010


Whenever someone talks bout pizza. it immediately reminds you of pizza hut or domino , right ? but , ever since i dine-in in prego , a italian restaurant in westin hotel . It changes the whole look of pizza to me . Im greeted by mouth-watering freshly baked pizza in a wooden oven . i ordered quattro formaggi which means 4cheese pizza which is - taleggio, mozzarella, gorgonzola and fontina . it probably sounds kinda strange to you but welcome to the world of italian cheese. i absolutely love the slight blue cheese taste , the vibrant taste of it still remains within my mouth . anyway , other then that , i ordered "sottobosco" pizza as well. "sottobosco" is not bad .. but nothing compare to four cheese . To make things better , i got a complimentary kahlua with milk cocktail. Kahlua with milk is a dark , semi-sweet liqueur with coffee base, therefore , mixing with milk is the bomb.

alright. will continue later bout the pasta-s when im free (:
hope u enjoy reading x)
TQ (:

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