Thursday, January 21, 2010


i draw according to my mood (:
imagination , delusion , illusion ..

pwease ignore those fugly ball on a stick thingy . i was kinda' tired tht time .. (:
oh & that sting-ray-like thingy black&white Checkered Box
thingy ..pwease ignore it aswell T_T
TQ (:
i was in the car && it was my good-hair-day . roflmao =D so i quickly snap.snap.snap (:
here are 2 random picture of me smilling showing my teeth ( which is something i wont do often ,lol ) well.. obviously cuz i've bucktooth =.="
#1 : hmm..(:
#2 : RAWR :D

there's too many picture waiting for me to upload but hmm.. tired & needa' study XD
so yeah xD

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