Thursday, January 7, 2010


ya know , i've dyed my hair like colours -.-
purple : front
Pink : side
Blonde-ish : behind few strands .

ALL i can say is ZOMG -.-
seriously. Light pink is "omgomgomgomg-only-suitable-to-go-sungai-wang" type -.-
Seriously !! last time when im like.. form1 ? i thought pink hair is "omg-so-leng-so-sexy-so-special" .. but when u really did it , u 'll regret -.-

&&& after a few washes , the colour will OBVIOUSLY fade ..&& it makes your hair looks "dirty".. XD

roflmao :D
if u've been "Stalking" my blog for quite awhile .. u guys probably saw me with the "hightlighted-hair" .. Lolx XD

& so you know , school's starting : needa dye back all black XD
&&&&&&& everyone said i look younger (OMG,COMPLIMENT !XD) (:
haha. not fully black lah (: still got abit brown x)

lol . so yeah , loving my black hair & probably not gonna dye crazy colours anymore (:

retarded pic to entertain ppl :D

Miss him lah :(
roflmao x)

P/s : i think i got eye problem la :/
example : someone typed "MARSHMALLOW .. & i actually saw it as "MUSHROOM" -.-
lollloll . no joke :D after me rubbing my eyes x10 its still "mushroom"
only until when after 1-2hours , i tengok again...only realized its MARSHMALLOW xD


signing off now ;

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