Wednesday, January 13, 2010


this is wat i've been drawing instead of studying -.-
watthe ..
anyway , it's inspired by aisaka taiga from toradora cuz of palmtop tiger (: (: (:
&& YES , mirra-chan *tht drawing* is a tiger :D hahaha i wanted to draw more strips but obviously i was
LAZY :D haha
so yeah , she turned out to be like tht la :( but okay lo .. XD hahah

anyway , i drew BRS as well. =D =D =D
ahaha. but obviously i 'm inlove wit my "mirra-chan" instead of BRS :D
cuz cuz cuz she is soooooo kute (= haha

:D roar.
she looks like she's wearing a bunny suit but she isnt !! XD will upload the other pic tml :D

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