Monday, January 4, 2010


first day of school was.. ok lah =D
hehe. have been sms-ing pup kao kao
<3 (=
lol. =D
after tht during recess , pup wit his gang all stand 3rd floor then keeping waving to me :D cute cute cute (only pup la) hahaha :3

after tht , went home.
papa told me this :
" Ya lah...hahahahaha...he has your profile picture as his wallpaper...awwww :) "

haha. seriously i've been smiling kao kao x) even now XD
he did told me tht he wanted to but i didnt expect him to really put it (= TYTY <3>

cat-and-dog1.jpg (318×353)

Kitty & puppy (L) :D

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