Saturday, January 9, 2010

weird feelings#

pwease do not mind this weird picture as the main pic , TQ

im just feeling kinda' weird .. i do not know why ..
ya know , dad sold bravo already to a irish lady tht stays in taman tun . oh well , he is happy there rather than being tied 24/7 because i stay in a condo .. & u know condo ish so small & isn't dog-friendly. from april til now , he has gotten like 3letters from the office lol. cuz once he barks , u'll go deaf immediately .. YES , so "omg-so-loud&deep-i-can-go-deaf-type" .
as you know .. he is a medium sized dog so obviously can't pee on the floor la , cuz his pee is so much till it could fill up a 1.5 liter bottle (read:Hard to clean) . SO yeah , he needa tahan his pee/poo sometimes if no1 's at home (pity him laah) etc etc .
.. lOl. i forgot wat i wanted to write lol.
anyway , she is a good new owner , even better than me . thankyou for giving me such a wonderful memories (:
haha. i still can visit him anytime i want la ;P so i guess tht's the reason why i don't miss him that much ? or maybe im just emotionless ? no1 knows .

roflmao =D this pic looks like bravo is kissing me , BUT he isnt ! When i snap this pic HE NYAM-NYAM turn to my side . lol

thx for gimme me such a wonderful memories . (;

oh oh , speaking of memories.. i think tht memories can be created thru photos only .Cuz as human grow older.. they tend to forgot bout the past. yeah, i guess that's why i likez taking picture so much (: Well , you all probably would say stuff like .. why would i wanna rmb bout the past? god gave us 1pair of eyes infront is bcuz he want us to forget bout the past & work hard for the future .
.. i would say .. sometimes .. sweet memories is worth being rmb x) &&& NO , i do not know wat am i talking bout . lol.

OH , Hi my jackson tan chen seng .. i know you'r reading this x) haha.

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