Thursday, January 28, 2010


There's a bunch of humans gathering near the drain there while derek asked me whether i wanted to see a frog ornot .
i was curious , so i went there to 'tengok'. Guess what i saw ? a bunch of fools torturing the poor little frog. wengkeat took a brick & threw it .. *BANG* it hit !!
all you can see is a pitiful frog that 's trying to escape HELL .. & yes , his leg bleed . They were not satisfied as they did not killed the frog .. so they tried & tried for a million times .
I was there screaming my lungs off ... "PLEASE DONT ! PITY THE FROG ALRIGHT , YOU COLD-BLOODED FOOLS" .. well , they did not listen .. in fact , they were laughing in joy .
guess what ? yes , they succesfully killed the frog after million times of bricks-throwing.

i was soooooo damned pissed at them til i ignored them for erm..few periods ?
after that wengkeat said 'dont be sad la blablabla, i'll give u a frog tml .'
Well , obviously i didnt believe him in the first place..

BUT , on the second day , he took out 1 frog plushie & gave it to me (: (:

at first i thought it was a real frog...


ahahaha , && yes .. i re-blinged my phone already..
& i just dropped my phone -_________-

tml tml. howhowhow?? D:D:D:D:
i cant sleep tonight until i finish it.
cant wait , (: (: (:

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