Monday, May 31, 2010

closing down my blog

8 reasons on why i should close down
1) my cam whore skills fail :( 

2)my English sucks :/

3)my blogging skills sucks :(

4) i got my own "anti-carmen fanpage" but its deleted already now (meaning = people hate me)

5) parents hates it when i blog

6) i don't even have a camera , how to take picture for my blog ? 

7) blogging eats my time .

8) blogging makes me forgot to eat/drink/pee.


i LIE >D

Greenteacarm will NEVER close down no matter what !

IF u hate me then don't view my blog lorh :D
IF u hate looking at my face then don't view my blog lorh :D

to those haters , Continue hate me all you want la , you think i care what you say ?

Hate me or love me ,
it's still an obsession about me (;

kthxbai >D

Friday, May 28, 2010

am ready ;



see you there ! lovessssss ♥♥♥♥

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Celebrities Who Stink

nobody's perfect. everyone stink. Yes , including celebrities :D

you might think they'r oh-so-perfect but the truth is they use deodorant everytime.
there's time when they forgot to use , well then say hello to camera for snapping sweat stain .

tadaa , sweat stain for you !!

so unglam & stink like hell -.-

oh please , use la deodorant , sweat stain is really unglam & stinky like hell :(

fergie , there's 1 brand for deodorant is damn good lorh.
it wont make u look unglam with sweat stain ,
it also wont makes u feel funny/stinky,
it's 0% alcohol,
it's anti-whitening,
it has extra protection against perspiration !!!!

sounds good eh ? (;

let me present you my favourite deodorant of all.

adidas action 3 :)

seriously , i hate smelly people.
they smell like they just came back from fish market with sweat stain summore ! -.-

this special adidas action 3 wont cost you much , but it will benefit you like hell alot :D
dun become like those celebrities who stinks la :D
be more "good-quality" then them :)


oh btw , my favourite project alpha has new ep !! :D

enjoy watching :D & er... buy deodorant pls :D tq

 Project Alpha is presented by Adidas Action 3 and supported by P1 and MAS.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

am fully booked ;

 this is just a freakin' excuse to BLOG . ahahahahahaha :D not funny , i know =P

exam's gonna start tomorrow ;
snack & screen is tomorrow ;
Digi breakfree party is the day after tomorrow ;
youth'10 is tomorrow , the day after tomorrow & the day day after tomorrow x)
lol cuz youth'10 is 3days long mah :P


nah, this is what I'm wearing to digi breakfree party la :/
not prisoner or villains-look AT ALL D:
so its not an excuse if you say you cant spot me there :D 
hahahahahahahaha LOL JK x)

actually plan to wear like that only 1 , more prisoner look mah :D but stripes makes me look FAT :/ :/ :/ 
needa add more stuff to cover my fatness :/
u see , im like a plus-size prisoner posing Lolwtf :(
dun make me regret revealing what i'm gonna wear ar ,
better say HI or DIE >D
LOL JK x) x)

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I wanna watch Toy Story 3

"i 'm mature from the outside , childish from the inside"

seriously , many people have been asking about my age but the truth that i'm 15 freaks them out =P


one day , i saw toy story 3 's trailer & i knew i MUST watch it with my little sister (;
because it IS cute tiny sized stuff !

.teheheheheheh :)
my favourite new toy is...
obviously the cutest of all lah. :D

cute pudding-like otuspus :D 

Peas-in-a-pod is my favourite among favourite !! ♥ 
Sooooo cute x)
3twins peas sharing the same bed , & 3 also diffrent expression 1 :)
cuteeeeeeeeee siao !

Friday, May 21, 2010

blackxwhite day

BLACK x WHITE day :)

okay so most of you surely know about youth'10 right ? :)

so , few weeks ago ...
i created a event called "blackxwhite day" to go youth'10 together in a gang la.

actually i think its quite fun lorh because got music festival , concert , sport competitions , dances competitions , photography competitions , cosplay etc etc all in PWTC :D
AND OMG THE AMOUNT OF ONLINE SHOPS that will be there can kill me weih.
P/s : alicewonders & crocs is having the biggest warehouse sale there :D

sounds fun eh ? (;

u can check out the official website @

For walk ins, RM5 fee for Festival Pass applies.

TO get a
FREE pass , click here

but the problem is.. im not sure whether i should still go in a gang worr :( :( :(
because the facebook event that i created only got 80 confirmed guest.


camwhore picture to convince you to come youth'10.






so you coming youth'10 ornot ??

YOUTH'10 is a 3-day festival targeting 70,000 youth participants. It has over 100 activities spread across six core festivals

– Music Festival
- Sports Festival
- Dance Festival
- Discovery Festival
- Shopping Festival
- Youth Brand Festival
- Youth Conference 

For walk-ins , you needa pay Rm 5 !!

but greenteacarm special , click here to get FREE PASS !!!

if you dont believe me when i told you about the fashion bazaar thingy.....





come lah to youth'10 :)


LOL. okay i know my fierce picture make you all vomit blablabla.

so let me end my post with my "act cutezzzzeeee picture okieeeess ? "



come ar  , to youth'10 !!
SEE YOU THERE !  loves (;

i can haz orange lippie + kpop

make up is damn mafan , espicially needa remove it before sleeping .blablabla.
so this is when photoshop is your bestfriend ! :] 

btw , Kpop nowadays really know how to catch fangirl's heart ! ♥♥♥♥

seriously !
i cant stop replaying SNSD & 2PM - "cabi"   & MBLAQ - "Y" ♥

lol alot of fan service scene *wink wink* 


this is also alot of fan service scene !!! :D
lee joonnnnnn ~ 

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

FML . really FML !!

#1 , i was studying maths .. laying on my bed & its raining outside ... and the next thing i knew , i was asleep !!!!!!!!  -.-

#2 , im half deaf :/ while bathing yesterday , the water went in my ears and never came out . FML

#3 ,  i pour some milk out + honeystar .. getting ready to enjoy my sweet max dinner. ....
once i put it in my mouth , the sourness of the milk thundershock my tongue ! disgusting shyt :/ ewwwwwwwwwwww FML -.-


your first reaction will be...
FML , that isn't honeystar ! that is drawingstar !! :O

because im too lazy to snap pictures and i look pretty screwed up right nao..
so photoshop honeystar will do :D :D :D LOL

ok ok ok , you see , HONEY STAR !!

 at first i thought my tongue got problem because i always imagine myself doing tongue piercing LOL
so i thought maybe my tastebud die already . imagine too much LOL

but the sourness of the spoiled milk thundershock my tonge kao kao :/


Disgusting shyt max.

so ,
i went to the kitchen .. pour away all the spoiled milk & left the "soaked-in-spoiled-milk" honeystar..


because it looks too cute :/

AND . I . ATE . IT . 

congratulation greenteacarm ,
thankyou for enjoying the superb tasty honeystar :)
you've just won a free stomachache tomorrow !
please enjoy yourself to the max (:
- evil honeystar 

 NO , it was photoshopped ;D
dont judge a box by its cover !!
its actually damn evil once its been soaked in spoiled milk LOL

Monday, May 17, 2010

Korean song that make me go.....

wonder girl - 2 diffrent tears
      wonder girl's 1 is kinda weird :/
alien and stuff , me no likey ..

BIGBANG - Tell Me Goodbye

big bang is 

Vanilla lucy.
soooo cute >.<

kthxbai :)