Friday, May 14, 2010

What do u think of people who photoshop their pics ?

famous blogger like xiaxue & cheesie , they all photoshop their pictures . every SINGLE picture before publish into web.

SO , what do you think of people who photoshop their pictures ? is it a crime attempting to look good ?

MAKEUP for girls is like wearing a mask covering all your shitty black circles/un-even skin tone blablabla.
but , how about photoshop ? it's just something u do to make pictures looks nicer mah :D

im gonna show you my super awesome photoshop skill.
honestly i really dont want to publish it :/
but watever lah ..

no comment right ?
do i look THATTTTT diffrent o_o


  1. The eye part is creepy after photoshop. =X

  2. U look like u have Ju-ON eye ;) Natural is da best!

  3. >jonshea : haha :D lol

    >"I" : haha :D yeah i guess :P

  4. Yup eyes a bit too much. I learn photoshop but I can't be bothered to photoshop my pictures except when I'm processing my photographs.

    Imagine the headache of trying to change all the things I don't like about myself. By the time I'm done PS-ing my photos I'll be a hundred!
