Monday, May 31, 2010

closing down my blog

8 reasons on why i should close down
1) my cam whore skills fail :( 

2)my English sucks :/

3)my blogging skills sucks :(

4) i got my own "anti-carmen fanpage" but its deleted already now (meaning = people hate me)

5) parents hates it when i blog

6) i don't even have a camera , how to take picture for my blog ? 

7) blogging eats my time .

8) blogging makes me forgot to eat/drink/pee.


i LIE >D

Greenteacarm will NEVER close down no matter what !

IF u hate me then don't view my blog lorh :D
IF u hate looking at my face then don't view my blog lorh :D

to those haters , Continue hate me all you want la , you think i care what you say ?

Hate me or love me ,
it's still an obsession about me (;

kthxbai >D


  1. haha.....dont close down la...i will miss ur rabbit tooth :-P...

  2. all the best with blogging lols...

  3. >jfook : ofcuz will :D U too :D

    >suFang : thanks for dropping by (=

    >ohmywtf :haha i miss u la :( what happen ? innit ban u ?

    >Glo-w : sure thanks alot ^^

  4. wahaha! u got me there! man, so what if u have a anti-fan club LOL.

    keep on blogging gal!! good things do come out of ur blog. XD

  5. For me, blogging is a personal space for a blogger to voice out her or his thought. So,dun give a damn on what others think. Keep on with your blogging! =)

  6. zzz! sei yeh! i thought u really want close down lol!

  7. 1) kawaii cam-girl skills ;)
    2) ur unique-English rocks!
    3) ur blogging skills are awesome
    4) Who in their right mind could hate u? ;)
    5) so dont blog too often & study :P
    6) how u been takin' all the pics so far?
    7 & 8) u need to go for blogger-holic therapy then haha!

    Just my 2cents what "I" the writer thinks ;)

  8. lolx. gambate in blogging :) blogging is a life. never simply close down ur blog ^^

  9. >Danial : thanks ^___^

    >lemon : yeah true :D thanks ^__^

    >baboon : LOL if i close down u happy lorh XD

    >"I" : thanks for typing so much :D thanks lotz (=

    >ai wei : hehe thanks ^_^

  10. can always take pics with phone ma... and if u have ur very own hatepage it means u're famous in a way. XD
