Wednesday, May 26, 2010

am fully booked ;

 this is just a freakin' excuse to BLOG . ahahahahahaha :D not funny , i know =P

exam's gonna start tomorrow ;
snack & screen is tomorrow ;
Digi breakfree party is the day after tomorrow ;
youth'10 is tomorrow , the day after tomorrow & the day day after tomorrow x)
lol cuz youth'10 is 3days long mah :P


nah, this is what I'm wearing to digi breakfree party la :/
not prisoner or villains-look AT ALL D:
so its not an excuse if you say you cant spot me there :D 
hahahahahahahaha LOL JK x)

actually plan to wear like that only 1 , more prisoner look mah :D but stripes makes me look FAT :/ :/ :/ 
needa add more stuff to cover my fatness :/
u see , im like a plus-size prisoner posing Lolwtf :(
dun make me regret revealing what i'm gonna wear ar ,
better say HI or DIE >D
LOL JK x) x)


  1. HAHAHa!!!
    nice!!! =D
    I would prefer if you only were the plain option than to put on any other pieces. =) They might be strict ><

  2. Aww... Can't go to that Digi event

  3. u look fat meh?? no lar....but u can choose vertical stripes...then look slimmer lor :-)
