Thursday, May 27, 2010

Celebrities Who Stink

nobody's perfect. everyone stink. Yes , including celebrities :D

you might think they'r oh-so-perfect but the truth is they use deodorant everytime.
there's time when they forgot to use , well then say hello to camera for snapping sweat stain .

tadaa , sweat stain for you !!

so unglam & stink like hell -.-

oh please , use la deodorant , sweat stain is really unglam & stinky like hell :(

fergie , there's 1 brand for deodorant is damn good lorh.
it wont make u look unglam with sweat stain ,
it also wont makes u feel funny/stinky,
it's 0% alcohol,
it's anti-whitening,
it has extra protection against perspiration !!!!

sounds good eh ? (;

let me present you my favourite deodorant of all.

adidas action 3 :)

seriously , i hate smelly people.
they smell like they just came back from fish market with sweat stain summore ! -.-

this special adidas action 3 wont cost you much , but it will benefit you like hell alot :D
dun become like those celebrities who stinks la :D
be more "good-quality" then them :)


oh btw , my favourite project alpha has new ep !! :D

enjoy watching :D & er... buy deodorant pls :D tq

 Project Alpha is presented by Adidas Action 3 and supported by P1 and MAS.

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