Friday, August 20, 2010

Free domain & IPAD :)

if you haven't realize it yet , i'm SO gonna tell you again .. :D
i got my domain name dy :)

YAY to me :) 
it sounds nicer & better ryte ? :D

Many thanks to exabytes 

All you have to do is upload the picture on their wall , tag 5 friends & get 5 likes 
Then tadaaa ,
your FREE domain name is here dy :)
(p/s: you might stand a chance to win an IPAD too  )

for more infomation , 
here's exabytes's fb page :D its clickable :)


  1. wah really?? cool~ hehehehe
    imma get one for myself! after i come up with a nicer better name..hmm

  2. carmen but -->Kindly disable auto-renew under domain, you'll be charged next year when it expires. expire d wan pay jor ?

  3. >cayenne : be quick :)

    >danial ; haha okay ;))

    >shinn : haha nope abit too exp :P

    >thristan : yea i know right XD

    >ken : nope ! :)

    >rolling ; add me in msn i teach you :))

  4. Wow, you also have your own domain name already. Congratulation! Come do support mine too. =)

  5. uhh somebody went dot com already.

  6. OMG! so cool! so getting one! thanks fr the info :)
