Friday, August 13, 2010

My water moments with tx5 in sunway lagoon *splash*

*pictures credit to carmen3341 :)

this post is filled with water + half naked pictures of bloggers (;
Pleasure max your eyes  ♥

i don't know whether you guys remember my "water moments" post ornot , nah , here is it ! its clickable :D

since i didn't win anything because im a loser like that , im invited to go to sunway lagoon to have some water splashy fun :D

invited jasontuangie to go with me :))

around 9.30-ish , went to lagoon to meetup with ..
baboon , xiaotong , xiaoyu , jasontuangie , edwin , melodyyin , justinlim etc etc =D

try to spot me :D me izh the gurl with ze elephant leg roflmao :D

alot of people q-ing up eventho its still early :P 
and you can actually tell that those bloggers are ready to have some fun , dressing in flip flops , and comfortable clothes :)

went to find lockerz to put our stuff in , but guess what ?
it cost rm30 ! Roflmao , can ta pao dunno how many packet of chicken rice liao :D

then , we changed into swimming suits & walked to that place >.<

this thingy is syok max !! 
the feeling izh so awusum :D

event programme planner thingy :P

we were divided into groups ,
me , xiao tong , jasontuangie , nicolette and carmen3341 is group C1 :))

at first , we were short of 2 person ..
then we saw two lenglui standing there so we just tarik them masuk our group lol :P

C1 is awesome but we didnt win anything ,
because the leader is me , the youngest among others :(( 

while waiting for our turn to play the games ,
we were splash-ing each other & used up all our energy orelse we sure can win one lol !
and justinlim was like keep pushing me down to the water ...
eye pain  & red jor >.<

anyway ,
we had to complete those tasks / games ,
1) temperature proof 
2)dust proof 
3)water proof 
4)shock proof
5) pose station

it was awesome yet tiring lol ;P

this is C1 group looking at our underwater picture :)

then , here's the place to print out the pictures :)

this is jasontuangie camwhoring but i kacau lololol
my face damn epic XD

dust proof 

random view ,

there's a performance by juztin lau at 2pm :D

was bored that time & since he soooooo lengzhai max .
we went to cheer for him & keep trying to dian him lol :P

my serious face when im trying to dian him LOL
but nicolette blocked :P

you see, damn little fans ,
we so good so we went to cheer for him :D

He memang lengzhai ,
but when i googled him,
nothing came out!!  FHL !

then we went to take picture with him ,
printed out + his signature :)

tired max ,
went to bathe & everything .
after that , went to pyramid to makanmakan & meetup with calvincho :))
pasta zanmai , me ate squid ink pasta so i looked Funneh :P
black mouth black tongue :))
had fun there , we bloggers were gossiping/talking/bitching =p heh

after makan ,
we recorded a video of us acting ! pro max
xiaoyu is the director , & this is his assignment :)
will show you when the vid is up aye :D

around 7-ish ,
teman baboon & jasontuangieto buy present for his friend 
then jasontuangie fetched me home :))
best driver ever :D heh

it was fun + tired max :)

juztin lau :)))
still got lotz of picture of him with me + his signature 
but i looked like shyt so im not gonna post :P

loves ;


had superrrrrrr alot of fun :))
btw , justinlim won an sony tx5 , me jealous maxx >.<

p/s : some pictures are still with edwinCk :))


  1. Cool! Lovely pictures! Thanks for sharing^^

  2. HAHA. The leng zhai part quite funny. Never thought you go and google him.

  3. I guess nobody played water that day.. LoL!!! :D

  4. Cool pics... must be really fun and happy that day

  5. so much fun I wish I can also go at that time too...

  6. Most important ~leng lui prove :)


  8. >jfook : he's a singer leh :O ofcuz google him ;DD

    >AL : haha got got ;P

    >jae : yeapss :))

    >M-knight : why didnt go worr ?

    >eggyolks : why didnt go ?

    >jason : ini retarded smile izit ? XD Jkjkjkjk :P

  9. Wow, sounds like you had tonnes of fun there. Wish I was there!! :(

  10. Fuahh, nice outdoor activity you got there. I miss this place so much. Many years didn’t go already. RM30 for 1 locker slot? Ehh, are you using the TX5 to freeze the water?
