Saturday, August 14, 2010

papparich food review

if you want your papa to be rich , come eat at papparich  ♥ :)

papparich , with a big smiley uncle holding a cup of coffee as their logo ,
presents you their tasty malaysian delights 

went there to try their toast bread & egg since my mum has been a regular customer of papparich ,
she told me that its the best place to stop your craving for toastbread&egg ;)

#1 : must start the blogpost with my big smiley face , ontheway to papparich :))

went papparich in bukit bintang 

#2 : milo dinosaur ! super nais :) me loveeee Milo max 

#3 : EGG 

#4 : toast bread ♥ super yummy , butter + kaya :)

#5 : steam bread ♥ order this bcuz they put a "star" on the menu (which means the nicest ) i think lol :)

#6 : chocolate drink & milo dinosaur :)) 

overall , delicious breakfast :)
a serious awesome place to get your daily breakfast meal instead of fast food :D

nuritious + yummy = happie me 

will definetely try papparich's various choice of malaysian delights :)
support local mah ryte ?? 

for more information ,


  1. Went to Papparich yesterday too. XD

  2. Look's delicious... so how rich is your papa now??

  3. wanted to try papparich the other day, but too many ppl.. so till today havent tried =P

  4. so that's milo dinosaur! my housemates last time had a hard time explaining to me wth it is. hmmm~looks..chocolaty?

  5. I never heard of papparich until late last year....!! really suah ku ! Heard the foods are nice but more expensive than Old Town
