Thursday, August 26, 2010

tumblr inspired x ♥

I love seeing amazing artistic pictures & i'll feel superb inspired after tht ♥
the power of tumblr *jeng jeng jeng* HEH .
but sadly i'm just to Lazzy to even create one ROFLMAO :D
so here's my tumblr inspired post (;

pretty pretty black bow wif yellow background . ♥

smexy hair , no ? :) ♥

purrrfect cat liner :3 meoww ♥♥~

oh hai , i iz from space . x

now thts what u call a smexy orange lippie (;

i wish i was as cute as her T^T ♥

naisssssss (Y)

aww hello kitty ♥ ; me wants T^T

holy no , jeremy scotts's wing sneaker :D

ME WANT ALL OF THESE !!!!!!!!!!! . x ♥♥♥

♥ this reminds me of me :D skull & roses (;

 spongebob ♥  you :DDD

and er... a smexy kikwang♥ 's picture to end this post :DDDD

Fuyyyyyyyoh (Y) how can u don't like them ? :DDDD


oh oh wait wait ,
Just saw this pix in tumblr .
its Omgeeeeee NAIS MAX (Y) :D
buddhaho:so beautiful :O(via dkpopcraze)

Amiright ? XD