Thursday, October 30, 2008


hey =D

exam was darn hard :S

sejarah was OKAY .. really hope i can score good result.
been group studying throught phone yesterday..with jo and amanda (:
english was Gay ! seriously.
the 'Bunga telur and bally shoes' i terlupa the human's i replace it with 'HE'
roflmao :D
and guess what ? the friggin b.m. penulisan.
i wrote the meniti kaca in 'point form' WONT BE GETTING THE 10 MARK -_-
haihx..wat a dumbbies xD

okok..let's cut the crap xD

today's halloweeen / baskin robins 's / my happy day xD

i deleted that part ady.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

first day of f1 finals :|

why am i here ? o.O

eii , go study la carmennn -_-

hahaaha..later la :D

bahasa melayu penulisan was OKAY , but bahagian b ..i totally sucked :|
bahasa melayu pemahaman was CLOSE TO HARD .. oh man , it's confused :|
geoo.... i dont think i wanna talk bout it :S

i skipped recess for my geo .. but ... it end up ..USELESS :X
wat a dumbby xD

omg ! u know what ?
my kor 's CUTE (: (:
haha..u should have seen that xD

damn , im so friggin' tired .. :S
hello :D

fix my layout liao. so yeah , the cbox is flooding on the right xD

atleast my link , credits and stuff can appear and act normal , right ?
anyways , finals is tmr .


will start the day with b.m , continue with geografi (:

which im dead xD

and erm..i should be studying sej , copy all the important notes .
but what am i still here ?
okay , okay .. will off to study after few minute (:

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

hello :D

yes , i love my current layout , but it's tooo small liao.
if i put my cbox , cant fit in the link , memories , credits and stuff.

should i change it to another bigger skin ?

haihx .. and tomorrow is finals -.-

i darn scared la.

testing .. im just learning crap during the exam weeks .. and u shouldnt suppose to do that -_- .. why am i still here ? haha.

Monday, October 27, 2008

todayy , went to tons of place like - the curve , ikea , ikano and stuff.

was walking.. saw nicky cheong.. i were like O.O ohh..HI *wave non-stop*
haha , then jalan like mad .
spend.spend.spend O.O

i waited 1/2 an hour for a friggin seat to makan my delicious meatball xD
haha .

after makan-ing , dad's calling . going to batu cave xD
im afraid of height , but still .. i manage to go up and down twice (:

it's was darn my-heart-is-poping-out !

pray-ed for my result , my friend's result , haans 's spm result , everything !
am i tooo tamak ? :/

i got my keyakinan from there , the more u panic .. the more u cant study xD
so yeah ..

anyways , byeee.

sorry for the short/mini update xD

Sunday, October 26, 2008

hello ! shall blog bout today .
being busy with finals , charity and stuff .. man , im BUSY xD
O.O i shall sleep now , but i have to continue blogging right , right ??? :D
recently , my brain is full of WORDS .
been baca-ing penulisan , pemahaman buku rujukan to improve my b.m and MAKE SURE I SCORE AN 'A' FOR IT (:

tomorrow is deepavalii xD

let the light shine your day.
may all the darkness turned into light.
may all the dreams turned into reality.
may all the wishes come true.
least but not last ;
may all human achieve good result for their finals .

tomorrow im going to god-know-where to pray for my good result (:

let the light shine away all ur stress-ness , panic-ness and stuff (:

*shine the person whos reading this*

may deepavali brings you goodluck .

O.O why am i writing soooo much bout deepavali ?
ahaaha , maybe because deepavali is near my finals ?

anyways , if you wanna release stress , go hear this song 'kokia-tenshi' .. it took my breathe , stress ,panic , pain... away ..

the song totally changed my life . although it's just an normal song , but it's full of meaning .
i shall blog TOday (:

haha..well life's boring/nerd-ing O.O

woke up at 9++ , first thing i do is...... AMBIL BUKU TEXT -.-


and and and , i shall repeat this .. i DONT GIVE A DAMN IF IM UGLY !

I WANNA BIG APPLE DONUT after finals..anyone .. boleh belanja ? xD

Friday, October 24, 2008

saw it ? that's my dear kaname when he was SMALL xD

that's why kaname likes yuuki -__-

blooddyy hand O.O

look ! wanna know who done that ???? * see next picture*

tadaaa ! kaname did it with an BLINK ! :D :D

O.O stressed ! dont be stresss :P
haha, kinda random today xD
anyways , finals is NEAR .
arrange the table already.
didnt get a chance to go back puay chai 1 ,.
xD just a short-picture post..

Thursday, October 23, 2008

went to jo 's house.
people keep ejek-ing us xD
then i saw (censored) there.
no picture coz joanna Xwant to camwhore xD


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

hello human :D

im going to joanna's house to study xD
but , she asked me to bring my swimsuit along ..
er.. gonna bring it there ? maybe ? dono ?
and and making eggg sandwich xD
hello (:


im bringing - egg sandwich xD (yummy)
hanna's bringing - egg sandwich with saugausge (yes , i forgot how to spell liao)
weisim's bringing - peanut butter sandwich xD
joanna's bringing - tuna sandwich [which i doubt she will bring , coz she takde tuna]

but . . . weisim said SHE MIGHT NOT COMING .

anyways .
kaname kuran is HOT (:

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Monday, October 20, 2008

let's start blogging (:

thank sengie for help me marah *guest*

seng~guest: what kind of person is she like is non of ur business she's happy with her life is enuf n she aint disturbin u ait? ur da 1 whos wana b disturb. her blog wldnt auto pop out once u on u explorer unles u put her blog as ur home page la

: n ur da 1 without life k? spammin is all that u do? lifeles la u diao. ppl blog non of ur busines kan? ppl feel happy with what their writtin abt if u aint happy get ur as s off la. unles u got no life.

seng: eh guest. since u say she's a biatch edi kan? y stil kip viewin ppl's blog? u say da blog ugly n she blinds ur eyes n so on den better not come dis blog la. y waste the time comin here everyday, write a few lines of words laughin at ppl? u tink its cool? funny? hah i tink ur the one. dont dare to review urself eh? got balls anot? no balls cal ur mum to slice her's off n sew it below ur **** la deng.

*tears flow down* darn touching .. haha.
im soooo emotional when im stressed ! O.O my new habit (:

but i really pity him la..
he still Love his ex-gf after so long time ady.
and and and .. she tak apperciate it !
:'( i feel so sorry for you , sengie xD

man , todayy i feel very cold and emo
im reading meniti kaca which is dammnnn tear-ing 1 .
listening to my favorite emo japanese song .

Sunday, October 19, 2008

You know you've been in Malaysia too long when...

1. You've got a variety of lah, mah, meh, lor etc. in your vocabulary and use them constantly

2. You pop in a shopping mall just because 'they have aircon in there.'

3. You're outraged when they increase the price of petrol from RM1.40 to RM1.50 (~EUR0.33).

4. You always have a packet of Premier tissues on you.

5. You forgot why piracy is supposed to be bad when it's apparent how good it is.

6. You don't care about red lights any more...

7. ... and then you ask 'Can you help me?' when a police officer approaches you.

8. Your local friends complain they can't get any pork at their university and you fully understand.

9. You moan about when Roti Canai comes for RM0.60 when it used to be just RM0.50.

10. You no longer believe that “tall, DARK and handsome” is a collocation.

11. You know what it means when a tin can is on top of a car

12. You find driving on the wrong side of the road in the face of incoming traffic nothing special.

13. There are more lanes of cars than there are actual car lanes, and you are one of the people, happily driving in the emergency lane...

14. You think there's nothing wrong with putting chili sauce on everything you eat.

15. Durian and belachan no longer stink to you.

16. You find roti for breakfast amazing.

17. You automatically take money out of your wallet to hand over when you're pulled over by a policeman.

18. You're surprised when bouncers ID you.

19. You're not surprised when your passport photocopy works as an ID

20. You talk about "pollution days" when your friends talk about "snow days".

21. You can tell the time of day by counting how many times it has rained so far.

22. Monsoons? unusual? never.

23. You've forgotten what a clear sky looks like.

24. You have a supply of breathing masks inside your store room. Damn those indonesians!

25. You find yourself in foreign countries asking for 100+ and are shocked when you can't get it, then experience severe withdrawal symptoms.

26. You get to hong kong and are amazed at the 'clean air'

27. An entire road that only sells foot massages no longer seems strange to you

28. A train taking 14 hours to travel 400km no longer seems strange to you

29. You no longer get the 1RM and 50RM notes mixed up, and therefore stop accidentily giving people rather hefty tips

30. You have actually seen the mysterious 2RM note

31. You can actually find your way around Sungei Wang Plaza, and when you turn a corner it doesn't just look the same as where you had just come from

32. You actually like that green coconut paste that finds its way into various food-stuffs

33. You have worked out the position of every ladyboy in KL, and can weave around them seamlessly without ever hearing "Hello, handsome man. You want boom-boom?"..

34. Malaysian bread no longer tastes strange.

35. A traffic jam where every car is pointing in a different direction no longer seems strange to you.

36. No longer bothers with zebra crossings, even at busy highways

37. Purple balls hanging from a 5 story christmas tree no longer look unusual.

38. Gardenia tastes "so good, you can even eat it on its own".

39. You say "I'm on my way" and really mean "I'm just getting into the shower." Upon arriving 20 minutes late, you blame it on the traffic.

40. In public bathrooms, the squatty toilets actually are more appealing to you than the western ones.

41. You double your words to explain something... ie. "ahh you talk-talk so much wan".

42. It is just 11:30 p.m and the Taxi driver thinks you are high and wants to charge you for midnight charge.

43. You make LOUD smooching sound to get waiter's attention at a mamak restaurant.

44. You roll up your pant legs before you go into a public toilet

roflmao ..hahaa..seriously darn funny la xD
well , have to admit MOST of these stuff are true :P
i 've been in malaysia for 13years O___O

ahhbbububububbu !!
more convo to go ~

dont mind ME xD

tagged by amanda chonnnggg xD

Instructions: Remove one question from the above and add in your personal question.Make a total 20 questions and tag 8 people.List them out at the end of your post.Notify them in their cbox that they've be tagged.Whoever does the tag will have blessings from all =]Good luck

1.What's your ambition?
hairstylist xD

2.Who is more important to you?Friends or Boy/Girlfriend?
darlings friends

3.How often do you think of committing suicide?
use to , when im inmature

4.Do you think you have enough confidence? u ?

5.How many babies you want?

6.Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?
it's science..DUH

7.What is your goal for this year?
. . . good result on my finals

8.Do you believe in eternity love?

9.What's a perfect boyfriend like to you?(List 10)
- caring
- hot
- Taller than ME
- gentle man
- someone like gaspard/kaname/danson xD
- good at styling hair , so we both can lOOk extra awesOme xD
- clean . VERY clean .
- romantic
- brave , will do anything just to save my life
- good attutide

10.What feeling do you love the most?

11.What are the requirements you wish for from the other half?

12.Is there anything you want to tell the ppl you hate?
to the spammerx
well , are u gonna spends all ur time spamming my cbox ?

13.Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?

14.What does 'flying' means to you?
fly(insect) fly-ing xD

15.What do you crave for the most currently?

16. Who's your crush?

17. Do You Have A True Fren Tats always on ur side??

18.Whats the meaning of life to you?
every single thing ya doing now

19.What will you become in another 10 years to come?
next 1o years ..baru tengok la

20. what best describe you ?
hyper , retard , gay , weird .. :D

Instructions: Remove one question from the above and add in your personal question.Make a total 20 questions and tag 8 people.List them out at the end of your post.Notify them in their cbox that they've be tagged.Whoever does the tag will have blessings from all =]Good luck

(have to tag 8 ppl wor)
-amanda low
-birdie sengie
- anyone will do .

Saturday, October 18, 2008


did i get ur attention ? (:
good .

er ..weisim...jangan marah , yea ?
sorry dear (:
i did it for fun dont mind me (:
hye :D
my brain went on a vacation without me :'(
how am i gonna study without my brain ?

it's chute and adorable , isnt it ?
teheheheeeeheeheeee :D

i just noticed something..
i'm afraid of HUGE HUGE ants
TAGGED BY birdie leongwongsengie :D

1. Who & what is your relationship with the last person who tagged you?
er . . normal friend who likes to spam :D

2. Do you know wat is true love?
er. . maybe ? :P

3. Who do you recently hang out with in msn?
er . . all my friends ? xD

4. What is your relationship with her?
er . . i didnt know noobie birdie leongwongsengie is a HER -__-

5. Who is your beloved pet sis?
currently none ? ;D

6. Who are u still in love with?
kaname kuran / gaspard ulliel / danson tang xD

7. Why do you create a blog?
well , for fun ^_^

8. You know your blog sucks?
well , like i care liddat :B

9. what do you like to eat?
i like to eat bLood cube .. maybe ? o0_0o

10. who are you having relationships nw?
No One .

11. ARRRGGhh I got nthing else 2 ask d..
well , just keep quiet then xD

12. 5 tags goes to
1] aMaNda Low
2] aManda . c
3] afiq
4] joanna ? maybe ?
5] YeeEng

13. Who is number 1?
my dear dear ;D

14. What about number 3?
friend lorh .

15. do number 5 love number 1?
er . . . . they'r both Girls :X

16. Number 2 siapa?
human -__-

17. Do u hav any relationship wif number 4?
err ... dono ?

ei , noobie leongwongsengie . this tag suck la . haha..just joking :P

Friday, October 17, 2008

Heelllo0oooo (:
O.O 17days left
die lorh die lorh .
busy playing angel online , and didnt study -___-
harharharhahahaa :3
been taking tons of picture .. but no time to upload it :D
studying is not as easy as i think it would be . its kills my brain .
stressseedddd O_O

bbbyeeex (:
have to study .
toodles :D


17days leftt..

*heartx beat faster*

suddenly remember that i haven been 24/7 studying ..
i been spending my time eating/styling my hair and stuffs.
*stunts* and *shoutt*
omg ! i shouldnt be blogging right now .
shhhh !!! it's a secret ... (:
oh yea , yesterdayy went to a partayy..
which is tenants-partayy
when im sedang register my name and stuff.
the photograhper took a very candid picture of me :O
trying to search tat picture , but still remain unknown -___-
then another very-candid 1 , when im taking food -__-
hahaaa .. then later i caoz ady , because im the only KID there .
lolx. i cant believe that my-parents-costomer-got-the-first-prize -___-
btw , he's a mat saleh and he's hot toooo xD
SHHh ! did i just said that ? :O opppssss !
hahaa , well i got tons of voucher *evil smiles*
heehee , dont think am gonna spend ALL .
so yeah , pmr is finally over ...... there comes my finals :X

todayy , went to some shop to buy stuffs like hair extensions , straighthener and stuffs .
saw a few future hair stylist ...yeah , they'r from kimarie hair academy (:
and they have niceeeeeeeee hair !
it's like white highlights on top , follow with a pink one below etc etc.
guess wat ? since im toooooo obbessed with these kinda stuff ...
i 'm gonna do it aswell ...
but but but but , im going do it durings the LONg-holidayyssss xD
so yeah , dont freak out if you see me in weird hair xD

so yeah , gtg's late it's 1:43 .
and i haven sleep yet :O
holycrap , i should study la.
gtg bye ...gonna study (be a nerd)

I LIE ! :D

Thursday, October 16, 2008

puay chai (1) is having a family fun dayy on the 14th dec

it's like they will sell coupons , 1 b
ook cost rm10 then ya can spend the 10 buck on food/games/toy etc etc .
it's something like last 2 years (if ya been there 2 years ago)
it's something like carnival la , but it's organized by pC students . xD
well , i wanna takepart :D

and and and , i feel like selling puff balls (althought im not a pc student anymore)

1buck coupons for 2 puff balls.

but jake suggest me to sell it 2buck for 1 puff balls, he said it's TOO CHEAP

anymore suggestion?

1buck coupons for 1 wingie puff balls.

all the money i earn , will donate to puaychai or orphans .

yeah , it's for charity xD

anyone whos interested in doing these , please tell me on my cbox. (:

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

WOW !!!!!!!!!

What a busy dayy xD
guess what ? my parents said that i can take part in their HAIR And BEautY fair
but but ..... TADDDAA ! it's on the 27th , which my exam is extremely Near xD
so yeah , waste another chance :'(

cant really blog properly , todayy ..hahaa.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

hi ?
yea , holiday for 1 week xD
Omg !! good luck to every pmr-ers xD
all the best , will ya' ?
and and and ,[insertname] will be taking pmr in 1anggerik xD
heh !! so are you happy , [insertname] ? (:
bad news is , all our master-piece are G-O-N-E ! :'(
my finals is coming too :D
study abit liao , but it's not enough .
life kinda boring because i were like 24/7 studing :D
rajin ? heh ! start to know me well already ?

hero jaejoong soooo H-A-W-T la..
teheheheeee :D
yesterday tidur at 2a.m. +
actually will be sleeping later than that 1 , but i still having my fever..
so yeah , sick people have to sleep early :D
me sick ? haha..yea right ... although im sick , but inside of me is a happpyy retard :D MoRe
ahahaaa. sick of my ' fonts and colours playing' ? negegege eee

*look below*

r a w r . (omg im childish :D)


will ya be with me forever ?

Saturday, October 11, 2008

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! hero jaejooonngggg is sooooo HOT
yesterday that post were posted by amanda's obvious , dont cha think? o.O
in the morning , called weisim and talked abit...
then waited for amunni to fetch me xD it was raining cat and dog xD
yes , got caught in the rain while running to amuni's car xD
then talked like siaox inb her 's dad's car xD
reached there....called up in the main entrance was raining cat and dog there.
we were soaked in the rain ... hahaa.
then we'd the most experienced day ever xD
phone no credit . no umbrella . no extra clothes .
hahahaaa..then we were like soooooooo COld.
because the wind were like soooooooooo strong O____o
hahhaaaa.........then amanda called her mom .
her mom fetched us to block C...then lent us umbrella.
while running to friggin slippers keep coming out..
hahaaa.......yeah , ran there bare foot ...xD
reached there....i were like thankgodddddd ....for the tower xD
hahahaaa...then makan-ed abit ..the lembu was GREAt..
then ran to the playground to main like siaox.
uses amuni's cousin to wipe the dirt out ..then we main likeeeee siaoxxx.'s was seriously FUN..
few minute later , muni 's dad came.
droped me and muni down .. we went to rainbow mart to buy some food..
hahaaaa..then she went to my house.
hahaaaaa....then she cooked campbell soup for me and my sister.
we makan it with seeweeedd xD .
it tasted like miso soup , which i LOVe it xD
then camwhore.camwhore.
it's 8p.m ! hahaaa....her mom called her.
i teman-ed her up with her sisters xD xD
then..........end up going to rainbow mart to grab someeeee snack .
pictures are with amanda xD
wait til her upload la.i got time xD
I m having TOns of fun without you..and im loving it xD
Ego Box
today....was the most experienced day i'd ever had...-_______-

Me , Amanda and aimuni & her caught in the rain...
even though we were under shelter...-___-
the rain was dam heavy and wind was strong....
we were soaking.....-_________-
so went to siti's open house...
the food was great!!!
thx siti <3
then aimuni's dad send me home..and now....amanda is here XD XD
coming up with a fever .....swt.....
the end
cao XOXO

Friday, October 10, 2008

is my phone acting like a bitch or i 'm just pissed ? >:|
okok..let the story start xD
happily enter the code..
then out of a sudden...*poof* and there's a huge huge word says [insert sim] ...
carmen happily re-put the sim card and battery..
then re-on ....(:
*poofff* [insert sim]
*carmen tried a thousand times ady*
and still cant !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111






but thank to all my beloved friends that chill-ed me up xD
really. really.really..LOVe them xD
yeah , so now i'm chill-ing xD
hahahaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa<----darn fake laugh >.<

DOnt feel like going to siti's open house anymore .... but i promise her yeah, will go xD

hello xD
8 days holidays *heartx*
goodluck to alll pmr-ers xD
all the best , dude (:
goooooddddddllllluuuuccccckkkkkkkkkk xD

going to siti's open house lateerrr..
waiting for amunni 's sms xD
greeaatt!! mom Xallow me to bawa my phone there . why ? idk o.O
but but but but ...i 've found my very very very old phone...atleast can sms , rigghhtt ?

heheheheheee...later i go topup my phoneee then can sms like mad ady xD..

p/s there's many doubt between me and you ....
i like you the wayy you are...Pls dont change urself for me . :(

and and and....PLAYing WITH FONTS and COLOURS ARE FUNNNNN !!


Thursday, October 9, 2008

u know what ?
im borrreeeddd xD

[01]Do you ever wonder what your ex is up to?
:: not really xD

[02]Have you ever been given roses?
:: yuupp :P

[03]What is your all-time favorite romance movie?
:: don't have a all time fav. i have many all time fav. xD

[04]Had a Long Distance Relationship?
:: Nope.

[05]Do you believe in this saying-What goes around comes around?
:: yes

[06]Do you want to get married?
:: maybe ..lOLx

[07]How many kids do you want to have?
:: IDK o.o haaha

[08]Whats your favorite color(s)?
:: black , blue and green xD

[09]Who was the last person you held hands with?
:: myself xDXD

[10]Do you believe in love at first sight?
:: yeaahhhh

[11]Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
:: (not answering)

[12]At what age did you start noticing the opposite gender?
:: erm, when i was 1 xD

[13]Do you sms him often?
:: him who? o.O

[14]Do you know someone who likes you?
:: yeah

[15]Do you love anyone?
:: yup

[16]Do they know you like/love them?
:: yup..haaha

[17]Why did you and your most recent ex break up?
:: ask him..

[18]When did you two last speak to one another?
:: school

[19]Would you get back together with your ex?
:: no..he's gay

[20]What comes to your mind when you think of love?
:: him*hearttss*

[21]Is there anyone who knows you inside and out?
:: kinda :P.

::amanddaa (1d)
::dear dear xD

anyone else ?
it's veryyy rare for me to listen to chinese song , but this song sang by my belovedd one . ofcoz i love it :D

唐禹哲 - 爱我 lyrics



































heya xD
currently lack of idea to blog bout.
ohhh yea , todayy is sarah tan ju ern 's birthdayyyy xD

sry , no picture xD

back to topic *
o___o mom took away my keyboard .. and left the mouse at home .
why ? maybe coz she wants me to play with rats ? haha..nonsense xD
haahaa, and and and typing using a friggin' mouse darn mafan .
have to copy and paste every single word/letters .
friggin' gay XD
and and and and dont know what am i suppose to write disini ..LOlx
friggin' gay again xD
er.....what to write ? a retarded gay person
friggin' gay again x2 xD
hi ? yes , i dont know what to write again O__O sick of me ? haaha
frggin' gay again x3 xD
i promise i wont say that again.. boleh ? hahahaaa.i sound like a retard :/
happy birthdayy sarah , well this 1 doesnt sound like retard :O
meet the new retard in the town- carmen xD
and and and.. i LOVe amunnnii , wanna know why ?
because she can fetch me to siti's house and back xD
yeah... u'r riggghhhttt xD xD

Ego Box