Sunday, October 12, 2008

hi ?
yea , holiday for 1 week xD
Omg !! good luck to every pmr-ers xD
all the best , will ya' ?
and and and ,[insertname] will be taking pmr in 1anggerik xD
heh !! so are you happy , [insertname] ? (:
bad news is , all our master-piece are G-O-N-E ! :'(
my finals is coming too :D
study abit liao , but it's not enough .
life kinda boring because i were like 24/7 studing :D
rajin ? heh ! start to know me well already ?

hero jaejoong soooo H-A-W-T la..
teheheheeee :D
yesterday tidur at 2a.m. +
actually will be sleeping later than that 1 , but i still having my fever..
so yeah , sick people have to sleep early :D
me sick ? haha..yea right ... although im sick , but inside of me is a happpyy retard :D MoRe
ahahaaa. sick of my ' fonts and colours playing' ? negegege eee

*look below*

r a w r . (omg im childish :D)


will ya be with me forever ?

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