Wednesday, October 8, 2008

JoJo says:
update ur blog larrr
JoJo says:
JoJo says:
blog about me =DD
JoJo says:

hahaa....yea..i blog bout you liao..
u can see righttt ? it's above there XD hah !* point above*

let's start intro bout joanna xD
she's a girl xD
she's a christian xD
she dislike going to church ? coz she's lazyy ?
she LOVES cosplayer and cosplay XD
she's can be a bitch and a darling in the same time xD
she's a exJohanMEnda
she called me everydayy just to hear my sexayy voice ? ( chey!)
she LOVes talking
she LOVE guitar xD
she's 13 years old , she 's hoping that true love will appear like --> NOWW
she love the gazette ? xD
she always talk gay ?
she love ME !!!! righhttt ?
she's pro at math xD
she's thin ..extremely thin xD XD
she lOVe laughing X3
she love ;
and her future-dear ONLY !!!
no one else!!!!!

JoJo says:
eh eh eh
JoJo says:
add reno rocks!

OK OK ....sHE thinks that RENO-SAN ROCKS !!!!!!!!!!

Ego Box

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