Thursday, October 16, 2008

puay chai (1) is having a family fun dayy on the 14th dec

it's like they will sell coupons , 1 b
ook cost rm10 then ya can spend the 10 buck on food/games/toy etc etc .
it's something like last 2 years (if ya been there 2 years ago)
it's something like carnival la , but it's organized by pC students . xD
well , i wanna takepart :D

and and and , i feel like selling puff balls (althought im not a pc student anymore)

1buck coupons for 2 puff balls.

but jake suggest me to sell it 2buck for 1 puff balls, he said it's TOO CHEAP

anymore suggestion?

1buck coupons for 1 wingie puff balls.

all the money i earn , will donate to puaychai or orphans .

yeah , it's for charity xD

anyone whos interested in doing these , please tell me on my cbox. (:

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