Friday, October 10, 2008

hello xD
8 days holidays *heartx*
goodluck to alll pmr-ers xD
all the best , dude (:
goooooddddddllllluuuuccccckkkkkkkkkk xD

going to siti's open house lateerrr..
waiting for amunni 's sms xD
greeaatt!! mom Xallow me to bawa my phone there . why ? idk o.O
but but but but ...i 've found my very very very old phone...atleast can sms , rigghhtt ?

heheheheheee...later i go topup my phoneee then can sms like mad ady xD..

p/s there's many doubt between me and you ....
i like you the wayy you are...Pls dont change urself for me . :(

and and and....PLAYing WITH FONTS and COLOURS ARE FUNNNNN !!


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