Saturday, October 18, 2008

TAGGED BY birdie leongwongsengie :D

1. Who & what is your relationship with the last person who tagged you?
er . . normal friend who likes to spam :D

2. Do you know wat is true love?
er. . maybe ? :P

3. Who do you recently hang out with in msn?
er . . all my friends ? xD

4. What is your relationship with her?
er . . i didnt know noobie birdie leongwongsengie is a HER -__-

5. Who is your beloved pet sis?
currently none ? ;D

6. Who are u still in love with?
kaname kuran / gaspard ulliel / danson tang xD

7. Why do you create a blog?
well , for fun ^_^

8. You know your blog sucks?
well , like i care liddat :B

9. what do you like to eat?
i like to eat bLood cube .. maybe ? o0_0o

10. who are you having relationships nw?
No One .

11. ARRRGGhh I got nthing else 2 ask d..
well , just keep quiet then xD

12. 5 tags goes to
1] aMaNda Low
2] aManda . c
3] afiq
4] joanna ? maybe ?
5] YeeEng

13. Who is number 1?
my dear dear ;D

14. What about number 3?
friend lorh .

15. do number 5 love number 1?
er . . . . they'r both Girls :X

16. Number 2 siapa?
human -__-

17. Do u hav any relationship wif number 4?
err ... dono ?

ei , noobie leongwongsengie . this tag suck la . haha..just joking :P

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