Saturday, October 11, 2008

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! hero jaejooonngggg is sooooo HOT
yesterday that post were posted by amanda's obvious , dont cha think? o.O
in the morning , called weisim and talked abit...
then waited for amunni to fetch me xD it was raining cat and dog xD
yes , got caught in the rain while running to amuni's car xD
then talked like siaox inb her 's dad's car xD
reached there....called up in the main entrance was raining cat and dog there.
we were soaked in the rain ... hahaa.
then we'd the most experienced day ever xD
phone no credit . no umbrella . no extra clothes .
hahahaaa..then we were like soooooooo COld.
because the wind were like soooooooooo strong O____o
hahhaaaa.........then amanda called her mom .
her mom fetched us to block C...then lent us umbrella.
while running to friggin slippers keep coming out..
hahaaa.......yeah , ran there bare foot ...xD
reached there....i were like thankgodddddd ....for the tower xD
hahahaaa...then makan-ed abit ..the lembu was GREAt..
then ran to the playground to main like siaox.
uses amuni's cousin to wipe the dirt out ..then we main likeeeee siaoxxx.'s was seriously FUN..
few minute later , muni 's dad came.
droped me and muni down .. we went to rainbow mart to buy some food..
hahaaaa..then she went to my house.
hahaaaaa....then she cooked campbell soup for me and my sister.
we makan it with seeweeedd xD .
it tasted like miso soup , which i LOVe it xD
then camwhore.camwhore.
it's 8p.m ! hahaaa....her mom called her.
i teman-ed her up with her sisters xD xD
then..........end up going to rainbow mart to grab someeeee snack .
pictures are with amanda xD
wait til her upload la.i got time xD
I m having TOns of fun without you..and im loving it xD
Ego Box

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