Saturday, October 4, 2008

Ready to fall in love?
am i ? yeah i am ? maybeee :B

What' s the connection between you and the last person that called?
close friend x100000 *winks at jo*

What happened at 3:00 pm yesterday?
i was busy angel online-ing xD

What do you want in your life right now?
erm......angel's wings / halo and stuff xD

How's your heart lately?
sleepy 0.O

Favorite reality show to watch?
gossip girl xD x

How have you felt today?
bored and great in my dreams ;)

When' s the last time you showered?
why u wanna know ? >.<

Do you like your name?
do you???? lolx

Do you tend to fall for people easily? i ?

Would you rather be cheated with or on?
cheated with

How many drugs have you done in the last 7 days?

Who/ what do you hate/ dislike currently?
i dislike the fact that there's exam in this month

Do you believe in karma?
kinda ..

Do you think you can last an hour without talking?
can i ? haha..

What are you doing after this?
talking to joanna on the phone , if she call (:

Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
hmm..depends lor

Did you just wake up?

What's the color of the soap in your bathroom?
dont care , dont wanna to know , dont wanna care , dont intend to know

What can you hear right now?
my gay-husband-hippo talking (: [yea right]

Whats your favorite color?
black xD xD

Do you like the color grey?
why not?

Last thing you drank?
my saliva which contents water xD

When's the last time you chose a bath over a shower?
ermm...IDK IDK IDK (:

Have you ever received a love letter?
hm..yeahhh... :x

Have you ever been suspended or expelled from school?

Have you ever cried in a movie theater?
tear-ed YES ; cried NO

Have you ever slapped someone?
ofcoz ..duh ..and i pity the person (:

Who was the last person you took a picture of?
my so-called husband-hippo

Would you ever donate blood?
why not?

Who was the last person you sat next to?
person ; myself , things ; AIR

What does your last text message say?
zee yun - haha...sweets dreams to you too (:

What are you doing for your next birthday?
thank god, next year, the 100 days would be over
so i am gonna have a cake :P

- sengie the smelly hippo xD
- joanna the black angel xD
-amanda the part of johanmenda xD
-haans the awesome brother xD
- amber the VERY lucky person xD
-nicky the perfect girl xD

p/s all of them are awesome ...except the smelly hippo 1 xD
sengie , dont perasan ..BAHAAHAHAHHAHAHA

Ego Box

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