Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Hairstylist & u

Here are things which your hairstylist just can’t say to you. This are among the best ones.

1. They are beauticians, not magician. They can give you Gisele Bündchen’s haircut, but They can’t give you her face.

2. Don’t ask them to “squeeze” you in when they already booked. They’d be taking time and effort away from other clients. You wouldn’t like being treated that way.

3. Hairdresser school does not teach about counter transference, projection, negative reinforcement, or personality disorders. If you’re looking for a therapist, all they have is a tail comb and an opinion.

4. Some women think that if they keep their hair all one length the way it was in high school, everyone will think they’re still in high school. Guess what? You’re not. As you get older, you need to soften the lines around your face. Layers are the magic remedy.

5. That single bill you stuff into the shampoo person’s hands isn’t doing her any favors. A dollar bill doesn’t buy anything anymore. You should tip her at least $3—more if your hair is long.

6. Some clients will say, “Cut my hair just like you did last time.” That always baffles them. The average time between appointments is six to eight weeks. They have hundreds of clients. How are they supposed to remember exactly how they did your hair the last time? If you want a carbon copy of a cut and style you loved, take a picture and show them.

7. Why do you think a child’s haircut should cost less than yours? Kids don’t sit still. Kids kick. It’s an intense experience.

happie birthday lee huisann3


went sing k with her :D
spot that pink bear in the middle ? yeah , it's our gift to her :D
the pink bear is larger than herself okay :)

we gave her a superrrrrr huge pinku bear , pink voodoo toy & a cake :D
we so dayum sweet right ? :D hahaha

P/s : she's so dayum hawt yet still single leh :D u know what to do already la (=


Monday, March 29, 2010

I Wanna Be a Project Alpha TV Star!

hi , im here today Skipping my lunch just to tell you a dirty little secret ........ ON How To be A PROJECT ALPHA TV STAR !!!!!!

ever amazed on how popular Cheesie is ?
i googled cheeserland & this appear :D she's pwetty famous huh ? :D
Wanna be like her someday ? wanna be a famous blogger ? wanna be a project alpha tv star ?

Well , dreams come true baby ,
Now u can be featured in project alpha , where all malaysia top bloggers featured in online reality show !!

All u have to do is submit your audition video & you'r one step closer to be FAMOUS like cheesie (=

other than becoming a guest blogger (become famous) in project alpha ,
you also will walk away with.

1st Prize
- 3 days 2 nights stay at 360Kuching Hotel, Kuching in a Deluxe Room with breakfast for 2 pax
- Adidas ACTION 3 hamper worth RM100 (Includes a South Africa 2010 mini ball)
P1 W1GGY Prepaid worth RM199

2nd & 3rd Prize
- Adidas ACTION 3 hamper worth RM100 (Includes a South Africa 2010 mini ball)
P1 W1GGY Prepaid worth RM199

ISN'T THat wayyyyyyyyyyy too amazing to be true ?
Can be famous & can get prize !!!!!!!

SO whatcha waiting for ? fast fast submit your creative audition video now !

Project Alpha Season 2 is presented by Adidas Action 3 and supported by P1 and MAS. Auditions are now open! Check it out at or

Friday, March 26, 2010

sakura greentea kit kat

nah , before i start typing anything , i wanna show u a picture to make u drools first ;P

OMGWTFBBQ ! yes , it's ze madly smexy greentea sakura kit kat ! :D

a million thanks to tan chun siong for giving me this :)

the packaging darn madly kawaii leh :D green & pink summore , my favourite color (;

Okay , honestly ......

it taste really good ,
it has the rich & creamy greentea taste that can melts your heart instantly ! :D
so watcha waiting for ? gogogogo buy lah , rmb to buy for me also kay :)

oh ya ,
don't expect it to taste like Sakura flowers , because sakura flower has no taste 1 .. i think , LOL.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

my husband passed away!

my husband passed away on last saturday ..

i murdered him ..but really , i really don't mean to do it ! ..

we have been married for 2years ,

it's all begin with my love for green tea ,

ever since i like green tea , i've been using him to brew my green tea ...

when i first started to take notice on japanese stuff -

i made daifuku for the first time , i suceed !! :D it taste realllllllllllllly good eventho it looks like

poops ..

&& he's there to celebrate with me by brewing greentea again (':

i think i touched him for more than 10times a day , poured hot water into him , washed him nicely ..

We'r damn happy together lorh.

But then ar , suddenly 1 day .....

as usual im infront of the comp typing while happily drinking greentea with him ,

clumsy me , dropped him .. accidentaley "kill" him :/ you see , his body is badly injured !

&& yes those yellow liquid is greentea okay ! not pee ! it's my delicious sexy greentea !!

i tried to save him but obviously im too late :(
haihze , sayonara teapot-kun T^T

hope u'r happie in heaven-rubbish-bin without me ..

Now ,

i'm so gonna buy the right tea pot for my green tea.


lol, im such a "playgirl" :P

Monday, March 22, 2010

no sweat #


it's either when you are nervous, anxious or afraid, there is an increase in sympathetic nerve activity in your body as well as an increase inepinephrine secretion from your adrenal gland.

OR ,

Excessive sweating -- usually on the palms of the hand or the armpits -- that is not caused by emotional or physical activity is called diaphoresis or hyperhidrosis. The cause or causes are unknown, but the condition may be due to the following:
  • hormonal imbalances (e.g., menopause in women)
  • overactive thyroid gland (The thyroid hormone increases body metabolism and heat production.)
  • certain foods and medications (e.g., coffee with its high amounts of caffiene )
  • overactivity of the sympathetic nervous system
OR ,

when you'r hot , we sweats to removes excess heat and cools you down .

Whichever reason , sweating is really not a nice thing to be proud of .

That is Why Adidas Launches its Ultimate Anti-perspirant technology !!

it's called Adidas Action 3 !!!

why isit called "action 3" leh ?

Because ,
  • 1 - Helps block perspirant !
  • 2 - keep your body fresh 24/7 !
  • 3 - dry max system to absorb extra wetness !

ofcouse there's other way to Clean away those sweats lah , it's bathing lorh .. IF u so rajin & free to bath 133 times a day la .
WHY not just buy this awesome ADIDAS Action 3 anti-perspirant spray & just spray 2times & can stay fresh 24/7 leh ?

Action 3 athletes stay DRY over a long period of time, during greater levels of physical exertion,

thus reducing wetness and odour so they can focus on the more important things at hand-like overcoming the impossible and achieving a new personal best.

Still refuse to buy ?

i 'll give u 5reason to buy adidas action 3 anti-perspirant & not buy other cheapo brand :P

  • - it's 0% alcohol , PH respect & dermo tested

  • -it has SPECIAL anti-whitening material to minimize white marks on skin & clothes

  • - it's expertly concentrated on active ingredients

  • - New dry max system for extra wetness absorption

  • - stay fresh for more than 24hours !


oh ya , i wanna tell u a secret (; WANNA BE A awesome famous blogger & partipate in project alpa season 3 ??

submit your video now at , who knows you might the next famous blogger ? (;

Project Alpha Season 2 is presented by Adidas Action 3 and supported by P1 and MAS. Auditions are now open! Check it out at

Sunday, March 21, 2010


im easily addicted / attach to stuff (;

monday - blogshopping ; in the end blogshop til 4am :D

tuesday - gmarket (korean ebay) !

wednesday - 7inch heels

thursday - LG Lollipop

friday - DSLR !! O_O

saturday - straight hair ( roflmao , tht's why i said i hate my hair)

Sunday (a.k.a Today~) - Curly hair & straight eyebrow (ulzzangs mah )

BUT , my all-time favourite is...



okay i tell u , its madly sexy & tasty okay !! :D

really ,

u see , even my froggie also kena "seduced" by the sexiness of it :D

when bathing i also come out just to have a bite of my madly sexy cookies crisp !!

okay i really really realllly love it :D

(i know i look suck but who cares ? concentrate on my cookie crisp kthx)

& summore its so madly cute 1 lorh :D

it's shaped like a cookie but madly small tiny-size version !! (:

this is not a ad . i'm afraid i'm really attached to my cookie crisp T^T

just hoping tht i wont gain weight :D

Saturday, March 20, 2010

i hate my hair !


i really really regret x100 for perming my hair -.-

haihze now looking at super long & straight & sexy hair makes me jealous T^T

&& guess wat ? i cried cuz' of my hair ! XD hahaha

Ok u should know how much i LOVE my hair ok . it's like gold to me T^T

it's 0307 now ..
staying up at night again -.- , hope i don't make a habit of it .

K thx bye

Love World Love Sloggi !

" a brand new eco-friendly range where lingerie is made out of recycled materials. With the wonders of technology, now you won’t have to compromise comfort and a perfect fit while saving the environment!

"Wow , cool what brand ?" u said .


it's a range of lingerie made out of recycled materials !

it's a WIN-WIN situation , when u can save the environment while wearing a super sexy &

comfortable lingerie !

Iworld for giving me such beautiful greeny-looking trees to stare at for 1000hours

& still wont eye pain ! and i really don't want it to turn out to be cacat stick.

Iworld for its clear view & refreshing river & i really dont want it to turn into a

garbage "tin" !

-unless u want this world to turn into a garbage place then go ahead lah.

-unless u want 2012 to happen then go ahead lah.

-unless u want to live together with rubbish/smelly/disgusting stuff then go ahead lah.

-unless u want to die faster then go ahead lah. (lol!)

I can list out 100 reason on why u should save the environment , it benefits both me & you.

Anyway , "Sloggi" has recently launced a range of lingerie made by recycled materials .

I shall tell you WHY ISLOGGI ! (;

u can wear supeeeeeer sexy , supppeer comfortable , supppppper cute , suppppper hot -looking lingerie while saving the environment! ! it's that just WAYYYYY too amazing to be true ? yeah , tht's why ISLOGGI !!

other that than , lingerie is the closest clothing to our skin , so it HAVE to be comfortable & Fitting orelse it would be really annoying ! Don't worry , SLOGGI has just the right thing for you ! yeah , tht's ISLOGGI !! x2

You girls out there can attract mens while saving the earth summore leh ! XD haha
don't you just SLOGGI to the max ? !!!! x1000

I World && i SLOGGI TOO !

haha :D okay i know your eyes sangat penah from reading soooo many words right ?
nah as a reward i would show u a pic of SLOGGI !! XD


just kidding ! haha

I wish i could win the sloggi contest & show u all how awesome is sloggi la :D