Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Hairstylist & u

Here are things which your hairstylist just can’t say to you. This are among the best ones.

1. They are beauticians, not magician. They can give you Gisele Bündchen’s haircut, but They can’t give you her face.

2. Don’t ask them to “squeeze” you in when they already booked. They’d be taking time and effort away from other clients. You wouldn’t like being treated that way.

3. Hairdresser school does not teach about counter transference, projection, negative reinforcement, or personality disorders. If you’re looking for a therapist, all they have is a tail comb and an opinion.

4. Some women think that if they keep their hair all one length the way it was in high school, everyone will think they’re still in high school. Guess what? You’re not. As you get older, you need to soften the lines around your face. Layers are the magic remedy.

5. That single bill you stuff into the shampoo person’s hands isn’t doing her any favors. A dollar bill doesn’t buy anything anymore. You should tip her at least $3—more if your hair is long.

6. Some clients will say, “Cut my hair just like you did last time.” That always baffles them. The average time between appointments is six to eight weeks. They have hundreds of clients. How are they supposed to remember exactly how they did your hair the last time? If you want a carbon copy of a cut and style you loved, take a picture and show them.

7. Why do you think a child’s haircut should cost less than yours? Kids don’t sit still. Kids kick. It’s an intense experience.

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