Saturday, March 6, 2010

Shimino japanese crepe , ikano #

Many many many people should know that i've been craving for japanese crepe for a long

long time.. But ofcourse i no money to fly all the way to japan just to try their crepes right ?

After that , i realize there's a shop named SHIMINO in ikano selling japanese crepes ..

but i've no time to go there to try out ..

But one day ,
I went to ikano , & I saw the stall named SHIMINO .. & i literally DROOLS infront of

everyone as it looks way too delicious ..

& then i saw the stall hanging this piece of paper , which i've commented before :D

& the boss were there too , he saw it and then , HE SAY he will belanja me 1 crepe (!!!!)

ofcourse i choose greentea lah since its my fav ..

Greentea & redbean (organic) + extra vanilla ice cream = FOC :D

THIS is the very lengzhai & kind & good hearted boss :D

&& 1 of the friendly japanese worker there feed me with my SHIMINO greentea crepe ..

hahahahah (;

then he keep talking to me in japanese , thankgod i understand :P

HI , this is my delicious greentea & red been + vanilla ice cream japanese crepe

which is sooooo god-like delicious :P

The combination of both greentea & red bean matched perfectly ..

the greentea wasn't too bitter , redbean wasn't too sweet .. together with the soft soft crepe ..

&& the vanilla from the ice cream .. it's superb delicious ..


see , this is my smexy & delicious crepe :)

*nom* *nom* Must try the chocolate banana crepe next time since the boss say its the best

among all crepes (;

I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT , its really tasty . I'm definitely gonna go back there & buy more soon :D

how bout you ? Wanna eat ar ? :P

Rmb to go to SHIMINO at ikano to buy your extremely uberly utterly delicious japanese crepe , k thx bye :)

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