Monday, March 8, 2010

random camwhore#

first day of exam was pwetty hard , i guess .
no mood to blog , ++ i really needa go study now . tomorrow sej+math . i 100% FAIL !

anyway , found those old picture from my phone :D

Pwetty yellow flowers , me likey ^^

okay okay , the reason why i posted this up ... is because my legs looks LONG . hahaha
COOL ornot ?? (;
M.A.C *jumps up & down* !!
Hand pose #1
Hand pose #2
Hand pose #3

haha, dun mind me ..
it's a result for being toooooo bored .
alright needa study now .

k thx BYE !


i really really really really like amber from f(x) 's piercing ! :)

SHOULD i go pierce ? :D

tragus & conch piercing , should i go for it ?? :D :D :D

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