Saturday, March 6, 2010

So cute the lollipop but cannot eat 1 T____T

Around last year i guess , when bigbang,2NE1 & F(x) released a song called "lollipop" ,

its a CF for this cutesy thing .. .. and i fell in love with it at the first sight ,

its like so OMGWTFBBQ kawaii (!!)

you see , so cute till can camwhore with me 1 :D

Can help me censored my pants summore LOL!

Can grow on my head summore . COOL LEH ?!

hahah. just kidding .. what i'm really gonna talk about is..

LG Lollipop GD580


THIS lollipop so awesome/cool leh , can send sms , call , listen to music 1 && alot more

.. unlike other lollipop can suck only .T____T

BUT , i cant buy this phone because my parents say i can't buy a new phone

unless my phone spoil.. BUT ah , even spoil , i also needa pay half price of it leh T____T

SIGHHH x1000 ;

imma still waiting for some1 to sponsor me 1 but obviously no1 would T____T

i hate to use " FML" but this 1 really FML x100000000 lah .

So watcha' waiting for ? go go go buy this cutesy phone at any mobile phone shop &

remember to blog bout it to make me jealous .

k thx , needa continue emo nao :(

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