Friday, March 26, 2010

sakura greentea kit kat

nah , before i start typing anything , i wanna show u a picture to make u drools first ;P

OMGWTFBBQ ! yes , it's ze madly smexy greentea sakura kit kat ! :D

a million thanks to tan chun siong for giving me this :)

the packaging darn madly kawaii leh :D green & pink summore , my favourite color (;

Okay , honestly ......

it taste really good ,
it has the rich & creamy greentea taste that can melts your heart instantly ! :D
so watcha waiting for ? gogogogo buy lah , rmb to buy for me also kay :)

oh ya ,
don't expect it to taste like Sakura flowers , because sakura flower has no taste 1 .. i think , LOL.

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