Wednesday, March 17, 2010

My Favourite Surfing Spot is ....

MY Favourite Surfing spot is.......

HAHAHA . not this "surfing" lah. It's surfing the net lah (:

hmmm , well ... i don't really have a certain place to surf the net .. main reason is ,

my 1 & only comp is in the living room = =

but ok lah , its kinda' near to the dining table so i can always go & take something to nom*

on since I'm always hungry :P

BUT , if u allow me to dream ,

i think , my favourite surfing spot is .....

In the classroom ? (:

Well , cuz' i can't stand teachers standing in front blabbing . *yawns* I'm the type of girl

that always fall asleep during classes :D hah

OK , imagine now that ..

Ur in the classroom , wearing your most uncomfortable pinafore , sitting there with a laptop

on your lap , blogshopping,facebooking,nuffnanging !!

It's not impossible now ,

haha, don't "wtf" me , i found this while i googled "surfing the net" okay , i very good girl 1 (;

Anyways ,

" WIGGY is the next revolution in mobile broadband. Surf at true broadband speeds

with up to 10 Mbps while you’re out and about in P1 W1MAX covered areas.

Just insert WIGGY into your notebook and you’re good to go! "

It's so small & cute & mini-sized !!

ok ok , focus on the kawaii-mini-size wiggy plugged inside the usb slot not those girls ok (;

Where are you looking at ? :P

the cute wiggy that those chicks are holding ? .. hmm, i doubt (;

Project Alpha Season 2 is presented by Adidas Action 3 and supported by P1 and MAS

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