Tuesday, March 23, 2010

my husband passed away!

my husband passed away on last saturday ..

i murdered him ..but really , i really don't mean to do it ! ..

we have been married for 2years ,

it's all begin with my love for green tea ,

ever since i like green tea , i've been using him to brew my green tea ...

when i first started to take notice on japanese stuff -

i made daifuku for the first time , i suceed !! :D it taste realllllllllllllly good eventho it looks like

poops ..

&& he's there to celebrate with me by brewing greentea again (':

i think i touched him for more than 10times a day , poured hot water into him , washed him nicely ..

We'r damn happy together lorh.

But then ar , suddenly 1 day .....

as usual im infront of the comp typing while happily drinking greentea with him ,

clumsy me , dropped him .. accidentaley "kill" him :/ you see , his body is badly injured !

&& yes those yellow liquid is greentea okay ! not pee ! it's my delicious sexy greentea !!

i tried to save him but obviously im too late :(
haihze , sayonara teapot-kun T^T

hope u'r happie in heaven-rubbish-bin without me ..

Now ,

i'm so gonna buy the right tea pot for my green tea.


lol, im such a "playgirl" :P

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