Monday, March 22, 2010

no sweat #


it's either when you are nervous, anxious or afraid, there is an increase in sympathetic nerve activity in your body as well as an increase inepinephrine secretion from your adrenal gland.

OR ,

Excessive sweating -- usually on the palms of the hand or the armpits -- that is not caused by emotional or physical activity is called diaphoresis or hyperhidrosis. The cause or causes are unknown, but the condition may be due to the following:
  • hormonal imbalances (e.g., menopause in women)
  • overactive thyroid gland (The thyroid hormone increases body metabolism and heat production.)
  • certain foods and medications (e.g., coffee with its high amounts of caffiene )
  • overactivity of the sympathetic nervous system
OR ,

when you'r hot , we sweats to removes excess heat and cools you down .

Whichever reason , sweating is really not a nice thing to be proud of .

That is Why Adidas Launches its Ultimate Anti-perspirant technology !!

it's called Adidas Action 3 !!!

why isit called "action 3" leh ?

Because ,
  • 1 - Helps block perspirant !
  • 2 - keep your body fresh 24/7 !
  • 3 - dry max system to absorb extra wetness !

ofcouse there's other way to Clean away those sweats lah , it's bathing lorh .. IF u so rajin & free to bath 133 times a day la .
WHY not just buy this awesome ADIDAS Action 3 anti-perspirant spray & just spray 2times & can stay fresh 24/7 leh ?

Action 3 athletes stay DRY over a long period of time, during greater levels of physical exertion,

thus reducing wetness and odour so they can focus on the more important things at hand-like overcoming the impossible and achieving a new personal best.

Still refuse to buy ?

i 'll give u 5reason to buy adidas action 3 anti-perspirant & not buy other cheapo brand :P

  • - it's 0% alcohol , PH respect & dermo tested

  • -it has SPECIAL anti-whitening material to minimize white marks on skin & clothes

  • - it's expertly concentrated on active ingredients

  • - New dry max system for extra wetness absorption

  • - stay fresh for more than 24hours !


oh ya , i wanna tell u a secret (; WANNA BE A awesome famous blogger & partipate in project alpa season 3 ??

submit your video now at , who knows you might the next famous blogger ? (;

Project Alpha Season 2 is presented by Adidas Action 3 and supported by P1 and MAS. Auditions are now open! Check it out at

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