Friday, April 9, 2010

DoooDolls , Yvonne foong project ♥

Doodolls ,

are you familiar with these cuties ? often saw them at bookstores right ? (;

DooDolls may not be as cute as ELMO & cookies monster ... because it's alien/monster & all sort of stuff u couldn't imagine x)

But of course they'r cute in their own way ,

i personally loves cupido ~

he's like erm, make ppl fall inlove 1 larh x)

numero is cute too (;

he's like erm , always winning type larh x)

Actually i LOVES all the design of dooodolls (;

TO me , i likez my stuff being abit INDIFFERENT & special from other people .

so yeah , Dooodolls is totally my type of thing x)


my school charity club is gonna sell dooodolls to support Yvonne Foong .

YVONNE FOONG is a girl whos been fighting with a sickness - Neurofobromatosis Type-II
and also the author of  .. Second edition by MPH Publishing Bhd. " im not sick , JUST a bit UNWELL " check her out at yvonne foong webbie

im incharge of booth A which is  ,

  this . spring planner x) looks cute rigghhhhhht ? 

Well , im not really sure about everything YET .

But , if u'r instered in helping yvonne foong while buying doodolls in the same time .. do mail me - 

if im not mistaken , it's like a package lah ,

(dooodolls products ) + yvonne foong 's book or t-shirt  .

will edit this post when im clear bout' everything ! 

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