Monday, April 19, 2010

since im bored....

Since i'm bored & wanna blog ,
im gonna blog about craps today !

because , phone rosak , sim card hilang ! lol FML

anyway ,

i think i'm kinda like erm..anti-social .
u dont really see me hanging out with friends Unless it's a weekdays lah (bcuz strict parents)

@____@ sighhhh.

i wanna i wanna i wanna upload pictures ! but sigh , since phone is my 1 & only source of picture .. so what to do -_______-

unless my readers is sooo dayum kind & good-hearted , willing to lent me your dslr lah :) 

#1 , random pic , taken in class :D

#2 , random yellow pic :O

#3 , guitar picture :D

gasbty deodorant fair !
unlike others bloggers' , im very special 1 x) i dont play games at fair ! look forward to it la(= 

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