Friday, April 9, 2010

If I am Ip Man master, I would …

If I am Ip Man master, I would …

I WOULD CHANGE KUNG-FU into a more ....... modern , easy to learn & smexy -version 1 ♥ x) 

Let me demonstrate What i mean by " modern , easy to learn & smexy  verson-kung-fu" :D 

bwahahaha , by the end of this post .. i bet you sure want to learn "Carm-style" kung fu not "lp man-style" d x) 

I got 2 offensive attack  & 2 defensive only :( " IP man master " havent teach me others , so i cant modified them :(
Wing Chun
Wait , lemme KILL u first with my modified kung-fu style x)

Hahaha :D

#1 carm-style kung fu : 3 leg offensive !
damage - 101 % !!

#2 carm-style kung fu : "kick-arse" is a very very strong kung fu attack !
damage - 102 %

#3 carm-style defense : "GHOST TIP TOE "
so easy this kung fu style , u just need to tip toe & pretend like ghost . LOL.
DEFENSE - 100 % 

#4 carm-style defense : KESIAN FACE !
THIS IS THE EASIEST DENFENSIVE kungfu style x) u just need to show "kesian" face or happie face ,
then MELT your opponent & ta-da YOU WIN without doing anything LOL 

OKAY , i just realize the blog contest required "wing Chun pose .. & i dont even have 1 .
LOL WAIT , i GOT 1 !! (:

KUNG-FU-CARM  !!!!!!!!!!!
only on :D

I'm really sorry if those pictures up there are fugly , cuz... i use my phone to capture 1 :( & summore my phone already "dying-dying" ... & i really hope i can win the samsung phone + tickets  cuz i put in alot of effort in it :) 

thanks for reading ~


  1. This is so funny and I like it.

    Best of luck.

  2. >supia : haha :D thanks

    >jfook : thanks ^^

  3. Lol, u so funny and cute :D If u know kung-fu i go learn from u XD Muahaha~

  4. >joan : haha :D thanks (: <3

    >w3ndee : haha :D thankss <3

  5. woah cool~ well done for the post. goodluck!

  6. so creative! all the best! :D
    im still waiting for my prize!!!

  7. >fiona : thanks ^^

    >Henry : haha :D wat price ?

  8. nice posting ... n cute panda ...... good luck to u !!

  9. >seon : thanks thanks ^______^

    >jack : heh ^^ thanksyuu :D
