Sunday, April 4, 2010

Fever & headache :(

i'm sorry that i haven't been updating often. that is because i was sick ( fever &  headache )  T_______T
anyway , I Changed back to blogger lol because i wanted the "comment thingy" , but i tried to make as similar as my old 1 lah , comment pwease :D

haha :D this was yesterday , after i recover la 

& this was taken when im sick o_O


  1. I like that drawing on ur palm.. looks like got hair(ur fingers)..
    hehe.. =)

  2. Good to see that even your hand is all about the smile after you recovered ;) So now "I" cant spam ur Green-talk. ♥♥ since you got comment form...

  3. > "I" the writer : Heh :D thanks ^^
    haha :D cuz i think comment form better mah :)

  4. Cause "I" can type longer right ;)
