Wednesday, April 14, 2010

please help yvonne foong ..

PLEASE do spend 10minutes of your life just to read this article which i wrote ...& i do hope tht after reading this , u'll realize how lucky r u.

okay . i'm getting this straight .
I HAVE been selling doodolls products + yvonne book/shirt FOR three straight days but my sales is - 0


you purchase the products isn't cause u wanted the doodolls products , ITS CUZ u wants TO HELP yvonne foong ! don't you pity her ?

PEOPLE always stop-by at my booth & say " wa, so expensive .. who wanna buy ?" or "wa, they sell so expensive , charity club sure earn alot of money 1"

WELL , it's not Expensive ! it's the market price okay . && no , u'r wrong , we charity club did not earn a single sen . we did it to raise the fund of yvonne foong.

YVOONE FOONG suffers from  Neurofobromatosis Type-II , 
DO U THINK she choose to have this rare illness ? SHE HAVE BEEN BATTLING WITH THIS SICKNESS .. She did countless of surgery , suffer countless of pains ... but yet she didnt complain .

She didnt complain bout her life at all ... she wanted to help people who suffer from NF . she wanna build up the spirit , hope & love for people who has given up their life .

Every single day , we  hear a lot of people complaining about their lives, their spouses, their works...Blah! Blah! Blah! How ungrateful a lot of us can be ! We forget how blessed we are. 

when Yvonne Fong was 16 years old, she was diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder called Neurofibromatosis Type 2. Many found it was hard to believe the former ballet dancer, figure skater, karate fighter and Soprano in the school choir suffered sudden health deteriorations.
Yvonne became deaf in the right ear. She then had difficulty to balance herself. She has been suffered in silence. Few times a day, her weak legs gave in suddenly without any warning. She sprained her ankles and bruising her knees. MRI scans revealed a large brain tumor that affected her hearing, and several more tumors along her spine that caused the limb weakness.
WHILE BATTLING WITH HER SICKNESS , she wrote a book called " im not sick , just abit unwell"

do u know how much pain did she suffer each second ? her burning desire to continue living has lighten up many people's hopes.
please please please buy either the shirt or the book to raise the fund for her . it's only rm20 for shirt / book.
she's really in-need of your help.
DO you know , with just alittle donation of yours..... could change her life ... 

anyways ,
good news ,
remember that i told u i would be selling this ?
normal price for this spring planner is rm23.90
if u buy the package which is......
SPRING PLANNER + yvonne's shirt OR book = rm39 ONLY !


please keep this in mind that...u'r buying to raise fund for yvonne. NOT cuz u want to buy dooodolls okay.

I'm really happie that u've been reading this all the way along . thanks.
spread the love .
help those peoples whos in need of your helps.
Do not close your eyes to them.



  1. Am quite interested in purchase, can i know the details of where and when?

  2. Sellling at oneU or Curve? WHen? Update me!

  3. We don't know where it'll be sold.. We'll tell your as soon as possible.. Thanks for helping.. <3

  4. >jessy : will tell u as soon as possible when everything is confirm. thanks !

    >anonymous : haha x) may i know who r u ?

  5. Meet her a few months back at a "book reading" Bought some cup cakes in support ;) Good that your doin a good cause, keep it up! ;)
