Sunday, September 28, 2008

okayy..i'm gonna start my post by wishing someone happy birthday , coz i heard rumours says that if you wish someone before u start blogging will get goodluck (:
p/s i heard the rumours from carmen's brain >.<>.< size="4">JOANNA spotted spitfire because of his RED-RED-RED hair (: and his contact lense !! me wanna it ! >.<>.< took a picture with him , and joanna 's mad bout me because i took her picture with him was blur ..YEs...i apologize for a millions times and she still tak akan maafkan ku . jalan abit and noticed how boring is mid valley is . ( joking la) went In back to acgc , the cosplay competition start liao. if i'm not mistaken , the 1st contenstet was sephiroth ; 2st was i-forgot-liao ; 3st was spit fire (the awesome and pity 1) ...and other.. after all those poses and stuff , we went to line up to get the panda-thingy.. the line is LONGGG !! seriously .. Xpercaya ? ask joanna larh. haha...then we went back in ..because the line is wayyyy toooo LONG ! and i doubt we will get it. random ppl start giving US those game-dowloader-cd-thingy. darn funny la ..LoL we keep giving random ppl our hp num /name/ email and stuff , hoping that they wont spam lorh :] HAHA suddenly i felt very random , so i decided to join the line (: 1 hour passed by ; legs start to aching . 2 hours passed by ; legs HURTS ! 3 hours passed by ; my LEGS like siaoz , i started to be un-patient :] ( but for the panda-thingy , it's worth it laa ) guess what ? we lineup for 3 hours and skipped our movie just to get the tiny lilz card. A CARD . A CARD . -_- after that , joanna were like sooooooooooooo PISSED ..she didnt even bother to answer me . YES , joanna U OWE ME A HAPPIE MEALS 'S MONEY ! :] tehhee meet up with joanna's parents . we sms each other while we 'r like 1 cm away (: yes , that's waaaaayyyy tooo much for aday. toodles babe

Ego Box

Saturday, September 27, 2008

..hmmm ....ntg much to blog about..
toddayy , i woke up at 10++ ( early heh!!)
haven choose my clothes for tmr 's outing yet..
still dono what to wear. gonna wear something which opposite joanna's clothes (:
haihx. :|
i thought u will go on9 on saturday or sunday 1 .. but why u didnt ? i have tons of stuff to tell you la:(
well , save tons of twilight's song/trailer/icon/picture EVERYTHING !
and i 'm cold and emo now coz of tmr. :|
i felt very retard todayy , but i try to act cold (:
had a fever just now , i hope i can manage to go out 2moro..
sign...cold/emo emotions just suits my personality (:
but (my favorite quotes) Once hypeerr , forever hyppeeer (:
so i'm hyppeerr and emo in the same time (:
so, toodles (:

Ego Box

Friday, September 26, 2008

i heard ppl said pn.lee transfer to bukit bintang boy school ..HAHA..
serve my brother right ! hah! (: isnt it good for him ? TOTALLY !
spend 3++ hours on JoHanMenDa 's blog (:
now it' s nice right ? it's click-able !! bored.. XD
conversation between me and ber .

amber ツ says:
has a boy kissed u b4
carMen says:
my lips is still a virgin
carMen says:
and im proud to be a virgin XD
amber ツ says:
IM bored.
amber ツ says:
i've said that for like,.. idk for how many times.
amber ツ says:
carMen says:
a million times liao
carMen says:
u break record !
carMen says:
:O propro !!
amber ツ says:
amber ツ says:
amber ツ says:
im so proud
amber ツ says:
thanks for entertaining muaaa.
amber ツ says:
carMen says:
carmen bites amber 's neck *
carMen says:
now she's a vampire *
amber ツ says:
amber ツ says:
amber ツ says:
carMen is a vampire (: says:
carMen is a vampire (: says:
blOOd flow down her neck
amber ツ says:
then then
amber ツ says:
ur cerita dongeng so LOL. xD
carMen is a vampire (: says:
n she bites cx 's neck
carMen is a vampire (: says:
now he can live forever
carMen is a vampire (: says:
forever together (:
amber ツ says:
amber ツ says:
the end
amber ツ says:
carMen is a vampire (: says:
yeah..THE END
carMen is a vampire (: says:
sweeet vampire couple (:
amber ツ says:
amber ツ says:
amber ツ says:
and we kiss then end of story
carMen is a vampire (: says:
carMen is a vampire (: says:
and it's FRENCH KISS
carMen is a vampire (: says:
carMen is a vampire (: says:

amber ツ says:
french kiss is with the tongue ah
carMen is a vampire (: says:
carMen is a vampire (: says:
amber ツ says:
amber ツ says:
carMen is a vampire (: says:
amber ツ says:
amber ツ says:
today arh.. during psv, we drawing together.. he put his hands on my hand .. lol. like he;s teaching me hw to draw! LOL
carMen is a vampire (: says:
awesome /romantic nyaaa
amber ツ says:
amber ツ says:
then. last period, we go library.. we hold my hand under the table
amber ツ says:
carMen is a vampire (: says:
carMen is a vampire (: says:
amber ツ says:
x) haha. but im scared
carMen says:
why ? O.O
amber ツ says:
carMen is a vampire (: says:
true Love will win la
carMen is a vampire (: says:
teacher is just so unmaturre
----the end-----
p/s boredom kills (:

Ego Box

Thursday, September 25, 2008

i skipped school todayy which i'm having a terrible stomach problem.. :| joanna gonna be very mad at me ..sob ! well..since i'm free and ntg to blog abot ..why dont just blog bout my Old sweet school -puay chai (1)

during children day...boy mad bout game (:
my beloved beloved beloved TEACHER !

hall .. (:
yeah,chinese dance ..cant find me right ?
gay poses (:

try to find me if u can (:
me and stephanie (:

bryan and chen fei ..LOL
dancing class..
my beloved beloved teacher again (:
if u can find me, dont mind my messy/retard face (: cream madness..

my old besties ...i present ..taddaaaaa-hui ying (: staring at this picture just make me felt sad and regret (for not camwhore)..ahaha
i♥my dancing teacher.

i♥my friends.

i♥everyone (:

i♥U !
hope to go back puaychai during children dayy ..
but ..if i'm not mistaken ..the NEW pengetua said cannot goback.
i were like 'holy crap ,worst pengetua ever' (no offense)
i misss everyone (:
hope to see them on children dayy (:


Ego Box

OMG ..sorry ..i didnt blog properly this few dayy coz i 'm busy with blogskin/vampire cosplaying and stuff..haihz

tips -how to get the vampire look (hehe)

1. Your hair color should be vibrant and your hair super shiny. You don't have to have black hair, but dark colours work for this look.
Sultry vampire
Sultry vampire
2. Being gaunt really helps with the whole effect. You can achieve this by applying gray eyeshadow on your cheekbones.
3. Spread foundation two shades lighter than your natural skin tone all over your face and body.
4. Put on a set of quality fangs. (Tooth caps are recommended, easy to use, put on, and take off. Can be purchased online or at any costume store.)
* Panting nail polish on the fangs is cheesy and lame... please don't.
5. Get some mega sparkly contacts (light blue, if possible) or wear sunglasses.


* Wear a metal hair clip with sharp designs on it. Long, dark dresses work WONDERS.
* Put some bright red lipstick on. DO NOT wait for it to dry before proceeding to the next step.
* WITHOUT removing the bright red lipstick put some blood red lipstick on.
* (Winter and Fall) Long black skirt, black or dark red bell sleeved top, cloak as much velvet as you can afford. (summer and spring) long black skirt of a light weight material, dark colored corset.
* Press your lips together.


* Slick back hair or tie into a ponytail. Black tuxedos are the best wear for this look.
* Long black velvet coat on top on top of a white shirt (button-up, no collar) with a red silk ascot.


* DO NOT WEAR ANY PASTELS. Dark colors are preferred.
* Also, vamps are very well-dressed. Do not look shabby, or you will be a disgrace everywhere.
* Painting on neck-holes, etc. is very cheesy.


* Do not use anything poisonous for the blood on the fangs, and do not apply when the fangs are attached to your teeth.
* Don't try to bite anyone. You WILL be arrested for assault.
* Don't jump off a building and think you'll turn into a bat on the way down.

Things You'll Need

* Bright red lipstick
* Blood red lipstick
* Foundation 2 shades lighter than natural skin tone
* High quality fangs
* Dark red nail polish
* clear nail polish
* Hair Gel or Hair tie
* Sparkly contacts or sunglasses
* Dark clothing

How to Be Like a Vampire

Do you absolutely love vampires? Do you want to be like one? Being a vampire is extremely cool; some people may think you're a freak, but just ignore them. This article will take you through the process, from beginning onwards!


  1. Make people believe you're not feeling well, and keep ignoring them like you would if you were dizzy. When the time is right, start shivering slightly and and comment on how cold it is, even though it isn't.(If your going for more of the walking dead variety).
  2. Wear slightly dark make up under and around your eyes once you get home. Remove it before bed! Your skin will thank you later!
  3. Keep your eyes focused straight ahead once at school, and when someone speaks to you either talk to them suspiciously, or just keep staring in the same direction.
  4. Ignore insults and mean people. Just stare at them until they go away, or just walk away yourself.
  5. Surround yourself with intelligent and/or classy people. But, from now on, speak in a low voice.
  6. Sweep around when you walk, and don't smile unless something is extremely funny. This may be hard for people who smile a lot (generally). If you fall under this category, think of something sad for a little while.
  7. Drink red drinks (cranberry juice or something red), but don't drink blood it will make you sick.
  8. always wear dark clothing
  9. Listen to dark music, such as E Nomine, to get you in the mood
  10. Do not talk about Vampires or tell people that you are one, it will just ruin it all
  11. Do not read books such as Twilight when you are acting like 1.

  • Always stick to the shadows, and whenever you're in the sun, wince in pain and request to go into the shade.
  • Whatever you do, don't cut your nails until unless they get so long that they actually may break during everyday activities. (Sharpening them with a nail-file adds the best effect and keeps them shorter; just make sure they look nice)
  • If you want, buy fake vampire fangs, but try and buy the ones that look realistic and avoid one with adhesive (custom fit fangs are cheaper in the long run).
  • Always stare at people as they walk by.
  • The music you should listen to depends on the type of vampire you want to be--classy types tend to go for opera with a dark theme (for example, NOT the Can-Can). Requiems are nice. If you're more of a punk-goth modern vampire, metal may be more your style.
  • Dress very smartly and try and go for darker clothes and long coats.
  • Invite your friends to join in the Vampire lifestyle and start a clan!
  • Goth is very similar to the Vampire lifestyle in some cases.
  • Wearing sunglasses is a nice touch, but don't wear the same pair everyday; switch it up a little bit.


  • Don't get into any fights, be the mature one.
  • Don't be too harsh on yourself and be friendly, in a sense. You don't want to have no friends!
  • Other people may not be able to accept this change. There is a high possibility that people will make fun of you. Don't attempt this unless you are willing to ignore their jibes.
  • Drinking anyone's blood is extremely dangerous and should never be done. It is an excellent way to spread diseases such as HIV and AIDS as well as developing diabetes, you are also likely to be committed an asylum.

Things You'll Need

  • Dark makeup
  • Good Gothic classical metal bands on your iPod or whatever
  • Vampire fangs (optional)
  • Slightly darker clothes
  • long coats (optional)
  • Pins for your clan sign(optional)
  • A love for vampires (MANDATORY)
  • A few friendly friends who want to join as well

i'm sorry , blog ... i gtg ..coz i 'm busy bout the cosplaying vampire thingy.
well i'm not really gonna cosplay COSPLAy as a vampire..i cosplay it for fun and coz i LOVE them <3 (yeah,too much twilight/vampire knight)

i'll miss you amanda,joanna,hanna,kor and friends (:

holy crap , i'm being reading these few tips for 3 hours ++....ouch, my eyes hurts.
p.s. dont freak out when u see me cosplaying ( i'll be really really vampire-ish )

tmr maybe i'm not going to school .
1) i 'm sick
2) stomach ache
3) kh !!!!!! ahh!
4)tons of ppl/teacher Xdtg
5)i lazy (:
6) friday got alot gay subject

Ego Box

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

got these few picture from joanna's blog (: [after my LONg begging] edit these picture , so dont mind me if it's ugly (: hehe

i'm busy with dont let the picture talk ? (:
carmen;men , joanna;jo ... (cover 1 eye)
darlings joMEnDA < them till the last second i breathe (:
me and joanna...
i LOVE this picture..kinda look like vampire-ish .(:
ROCK ON babe..joanna bites tongue (:

lazy to

Ego Box

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

ello (:
todayy takde masa to blog coz busy wif MY gaspardulliel blogskin (:
tadaaa (:
Ego Box

Monday, September 22, 2008

happy dayy

gosh , i ♥ todayy (:
during kemahiran hidup , i sat on a 3 legged chair (yeah,tak seimbang)
have to tumpu perhatian or else i 'll fall :O
felt darn sleepy , wanna to curi-curi tidur 1.but teacher were staring at me :O
so.. i forced myself to baca .. so i WONT felt asleep :D (yeah,i know i'm smart)[perasan] :P
during recess , all form5-es pun recess with us . (:
was eating my chee-chong-fun , saw my kor (:
i were like OMG! makan chee-chong-fun will very gelojoh 1 lerh... >.< paiseh!
after that ...blablabla(awesome moment) [no,i 'm NOT gonna tell..coz i donwan joanna to be jealous ]
yes,i'm very happy (:
i ♥ today like siaoz (:
too bad weisim X datang larh.
i sms-es puan.sow bout joanna 's stuff ..
and she didnt discuss bout it -_-
i were like 'ehh,i spend 20$ per sms leh' .. yes, i sms-ed her more than 1 times.
aiyeah, too HAPPY to blog ..
taddaa (:

Ego Box

Saturday, September 20, 2008


read this and muntah.
this lady seriously making fun of twilight. it's clickable ? nice spelling, girl T.T

and this ..
yea i think over time, we'll all grow on robert being edward
and i agree, it's not that robert's a horrible choice, but it could have been better (*cough*gaspard*cough*)

zac efron = edward? wow if that ever happens, the movie's going to be turned into some weird musical

LoL !


If it was a musical, i think i'd go watch it just for the fun of laughing at that fact
i remember a part from HS2 where Zac was singing this one song and it actually looked much funnier than it was serious.

Ah, I hope robert does a good job... he does look pretty good on screen sometimes, but still gaspard will always be edward ^^ (for me at least).

I really hope the movie won't ruin the books, the books were a great fun to read


^ I agree about High School Musical. I sincerely think it is the worst movie I have ever watched. I don't understand how it got so big.

u can read MIDNIGHT SUN here , it's clickable


I just don't want Robert to ruin the books. I really don't want to picture him instead of Gaspard.



1. Robert has a really weird nose.

2. Gaspard was born to have this role


I finally figured out the one good thing about Gaspard not playing Edward in the Twilight. Now when I watch it I'll actually be able to pay attention to what's going on in the movie instead of staring mindlessly at Gaspy's beautiful face. too true :D


it's clickable


twilighter's clickable
all those word....are wrote by some ppl. ..
(: there's wayy too much link/word.
gonna continue it..tmr (perhaps) ..

Ego Box

Friday, September 19, 2008

have no idea what to blog about.
currently in emo mood :|
yesterdayy joanna called me at 11p.m. til 2a.m ? :D
we talked like siaox..but most of the time she will scream 'ruki is sooo hot' (yes,she SCREAMS)
haihx , i deaf liao .. O.O
so sienz la..yesterdayy darn bored tau ?
todayy , i woke up at 1 p.m ++ .
yes , i 'm a lazy bump and i'm proud to be :B
sorry joanna , i cant teman you to one utama ..
because my aunt came back from NZ .
gonna change my blog layout into gaspard-ulliel layout.
YES , i'm EXTREMELY mad bout him <3

Ego Box

Thursday, September 18, 2008

teacher opened the hamper todayy , but sadly malay-s puasa-ing :'(
there's junkfood , sweeet , FRIED CHICKEN POWDER , TOMATO PASTE , laici and stuff.
zong jing said she will goreng ayam for the whole class using the powder .. >.< awesome ? okie la let's cut the crap la.. after school ,
i temen-ed hanna to ambil her stuff (yeah,it's raining)
then , we ran to weisim's house (: (:
ate burger ..bathed..then off to work !
Ego Box

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


HAPPY birthday nick jonas !!!!!!!!!

GREAT ! yesterdayy i didnt blog .. :'(
have no idea what to blog about ..
yesterdayy i have forgotten what happen liao .
well , joanna 'd picture lost liao ..
she called me and cried ..omg ..sadness
gotta help her (:

tagged by amber
1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning.
2. Each player answers the questions about themselves.
3. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names. Then goes to their blog and leaves a comment, letting them know they got tagged and to ask them to read your blog.

Name:carmen cheang
Shoe size: 4 maybe ?
Height:159-ish ?
Where do you live:damansara perdana (:
Favourite drinks:bubble tea and my saliva ?
Favourite breakfast:america breakfast (:

Have you ever:
Been on a plane: DUUHH
Swam in the ocean: think so.
Fallen asleep in school:ALWAYS
Broken someone's heart:yeaahh ...i'm sry :(
Fell off your chair:yeahh..hehe
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call:yeahh
Saved e-mails:dono
Chicken pox: yeah
Sore throat: who doesnt have a sore throat before ?
Stiches: ?
Broken nose: NOPE
What is your room like: MESSY
What's right beside you: AIR
What's the last thing you ate: fish and chip

Do you:
Believe in love at first sight: HEAVEN YEAHH
Like picnics: ofcoz

Who was the last person:
You danced with:(censored)
Last made you smile: my soul and my beloved jo and da (:
You last yelled at: my bro

Today did you:
Talk to someone you like: DUUHHH
Kissed anyone: haven yet
Get sick: which SICK ? fever-sick or sick-sick ? (:
Talked to an ex: nope
Miss someone: YEAHH

Best feeling in the world:
Do you sleep with stuffed animals:TONS OF THEM.
What's under your bed: err..secret :X
What time is it now: 2:05

Random Qs:
Q: Is there a person who is on you mind now: yeahh
Q: Do you have any siblings: yes
Q: Do you want children: depends
Q: Do you smile often: fake smile ; yes .
Q: Do you like your handwriting: something , when i 'm in good mood
Q: Are your toenails painted: yes
Q: Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in: my sis ;parents
Q: What colour shirt are you wearing: pink-ish
Q: What were you doing at 7:00pm yesterday: watching rolling love ( ilovetangyuzhe) (:
Q: I can't wait til: (censored)
Q: When did you cry last: few second ago ?
Q: Are you friendly person: maybeeee
Q: Do you have any pets: guinea pig ,hamster , fish and stuff
Q: Where is the person you have feelings for right now: dono.
Q: Did the last person you held hands with mean anything to you now: ..
Q: Do you sleep with the TV on: sometimesss
Q: What are you doing now: mati-ing and doing this tag
Q: Have you ever crawled through a window:dono.
Q: Can you handle the truth: depends
Q: Are you closer to your mother or father: mother
Q: Who was the last person you cried in front of: amanda , joanna ( onthephone)
Q: How many people can you say you've really loved:my family,friends and kor
Q: Do you eat healthy: sometimesss
Q: Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you: YES
Q: How often do you go to church: i'm not a christian
Q: If you're having a bad day. who are you most likely to go to: my soul or heaven ?
Q: Are you loud or quiet most of the time: LOUD
Q: Are you confident: used to ..
Q: 5 things I was doing 10 years ago: sleeping maybe ?
Q: 5 snacks I enjoy: lollipop and sweet stuff
Q: 5 things I would do if I were a billionaire: spend.spend.spend.spend.DONATE
Q: 5 of my bad habits:emo.ibitenails.lazyy.
Q: 5 places I have lived in: malaysia,ss2,seaparkapartment,selangor,melaka.penang
Q: 5 jobs I've had: a hairstylist(begginer) , a daughther , a best friend , a good mei , a part of jomenda

Tag 5 people:
1. haans (ifhewannadoit)
2. regine
3. joanna
4. kaname XD
5. gaspard ulliel XD

Ego Box

Monday, September 15, 2008

yes yes yes ..i love him *point above* happy ?
he's still my babe and forever will be <3
todayyy (:
we won 1st place for the merdeka doecoration thingy ..yoohoo (:
won hamper and 48 cans of coke ?
it's AWESOME MAN !!!!!
well , actually i tak buat apa-apa bout the deco thingy la :D
i busy finish my sej project ..haihz
busy emo-ing todayy because my friggin' result :/
maths FREE PERIOD .. too bad i 'm emo-ing bout my result , so i cant laugh/joke with them ..i busy sleeping/thinking :/
i keep asking myself ' why i am so good to you while you'r evil to me ?'
after school .. saw sengie .. wanna pour the coke to him 1 ..BUT FAILED :/
i watched a chinese show called 'rolling love' ..OMG !! darn sad la.
i cried like mad ..o ma gawd !!tangyuzhe (forgot how to spell) kena stabbed in the stomach and stuff..he almost dead..O ma gawd ! he's hot .
aiyoo.. bored.bored.bored la
i 'm not sure that i can go weisim's house to do the project larrr.
but i 'm desprate ! :/
what if i dont exist ? will you guy noticed there's something missing ?
will you guy miss my sick joke and crap laugh ? :D
no mood to blog liao coz of my friggin' result :/
tmr got chinese exam la..gambateh carmen !

Ego Box

Sunday, September 14, 2008

happy dayy (:
bought starbucks 's , it's GOOD ! :D
tiramisu , greentea chocolate , berry cheese and hazelnut latte (YUMMY)
it's cost rm118 per box ..bought 2 box :D
went to midvalley , O ma gawd ! almost every restoran fully booked 0o_o0
wth right ? it's crowded :B
bought TONS of sushi , i bankrap ady :/
hmmm , todayy i'm in my good mood .. so i wont curse that 'unknown'
PEACE ! (show the peace sign) (:
happy lantern festival !!!!
lalalaaa..i love japan because i love their sushi <3
sry for the short updatee coz i haven makan my dinner yet and my bro wanna use ..
TADAAA !! ciaoz :D

Ego Box

Saturday, September 13, 2008

here .. a tag since i 'm bored XD

1. What is the show you hope to watch now?
Love Guru (too bad it's 18 sg) :'(

2. Given the chance, what special ability/power would you like to have?
invisible ! :D:D

3. What do you think of your brother(s)/sister(s)?
ohh...just wish they were here :'(

4. Where is the place that you want to go the most?
dont know / dont care / donwan to care / donwan to know :D

5. If you can have 1 dream to come true, what would it be?
see gaspard ulliel face-to-face (:

6. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?
It's science. Duh! =_=''

7. What are you afraid to lose the most now?
errr , my twilight novel ?

8. If you win $1 million, what would you do?
shopping ! and donated la ofcoz..

9. If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him?
nah , i 'll let the guy do the work (:

10. What are the requirements that you wish from your other half?
I'm not telling. ;)

11. Do you believe in “forever”?
Nope. Cuz I ain't living forever either. =)

12. Which type of person do you hate the most?
people who dont apperciate what i have done for them like (censored)..

13. What is your ambition? Lawyer or accountant.
Lawyer!! Hahaha!!!! :B

14. If you have fault, would you rather the people around you point out to you or would you? The people around me. They're the witnesses. Duh.

15. What do you think is the most important in your life?
my soul XD

16. Are you a shopaholic or not?
Isn't every girl one?? hehe

17. What is the thing that you really want now?
new moon novel .

18. If you have a chance, which part of your character you would like to change?
my friggin' teeth ! :B

19. Is there anything that you have done which you regret?
errr..didnt take picture with haans kor ? :'(

20. Are you hungry right now?
nope , just ate corn (: yummy !

Next tagged:
» haans
» joanna
» amber
» nicole
. -|-
.. /\

Friday, September 12, 2008

happy 205th post (:

woke up kinda late (12p.m) :D
saw this cute lilz tooth fairies .. OMG ! arent they adorable ?
i dont think my new layout suits me .
because i dont really like navigations ........
blue;wings or green;love layout ?
and tomorrow is lantern festival :D:D:D
and joanna , on the 28th september ..
i CAN GO ACGC with you SMILE (:
but i have to know the time :/

o ma gawd ! 0o__o0 (yes , i like that symbol)

Thursday, September 11, 2008

oh who can tell . save he whose heart hath tried

o ma gawd 0o_o0 todayy darn crowded in the bus laa..
hmmm...what to blog bout todayy ? (:
took science test :/ (tembak all) ..yeah, hope i wont failed ..
sejarah test is easy for everyone who study (definetely not me) cos i didn't study :P
kerja kayu suck (no offense) :/ the paku just cant get in ! >:/

O ma gawd ..0o_o0 <--shocked four eyes alien >.<

cant stand it know who you are . ( not insulting )
dont think u'r a top blogger so you can just write crap bout ppl..
who you think you are ? this is not the first time already :D
i'm just giving suggestion , donwan to listen ? tell me then i 'll shut up .
why keep it in your heart then letting it out ?
u should have told me earlier ... but why you didnt ?
afraid that i 'll gossip/scold/angry or wtv shit at you ?
nah..i dont think i wanna do that.. cos i dont have the time to.
girl , you are too perfect to be gossip la ..(trust me)
you always rock , and you didnt know..
and you'r darn lucky .. wanna know why?
figure it out urself ..because the answer is easy..
although you dislike me as your friend ,
but i'll still treat you like one of my frend coz you are one of them ! (:
so , just relax/chill .. you can write crap bout me in ur blog or wtv ...i dont care,
coz that's your blog not mine ..i cant control youu.
i hope you know what i mean ...
ciaoz .

i 'm not insulting or whatever shit (in case you guy THOUGH i was insulting)

just dont feel like blogging todayy after reading that (censored) post .
nothing is too wonderful to be true . ( title)

first period is sivik , guess what ? i didnt draw the flags and haven paste the bunga raya YET ..
o ma gawd ! Oo_oO <--- four eyes alien ! o ma gawd ! after sivik was sejarah , the most boring subject ever (no offense la ) after recess was moral . were busy drawing crap .. didnt even care to pay attention :D then suddenly .. she shouted ! loud ! yes yes , i freak out ( u can laugh all you want) =_='' was boring ... VERY boring !
except for ict , i'm being retard with joanna and frenz ..

i went to toilet to pose ..saw puan (dono how to spell her name) the koko penolong pengetua ..
were posing .. she destroyed my sweet moment (posing moment) :D
thx god , i ran away .. otherwise i will kena tangkap for POSING TOO MUCH ? :D
during b.m ..
PUAN aini came to mark my b00k.
puan aini : ini carmen ar , selalu conteng tangan ar ..
carmen : HAHAAA ..paiseh *
puan aini : tak bagus tau ?
carmen : heheeeee >.< style="" size="3" face="arial">kor , i 'm having a hard time again ..haihx..same problem ...
HELP ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!

someone ahem*ahem* to me ...
help me !!!!!!!1

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Twilight Tag! :D

1. Do you like Edward Cullen?

what makes you think i like him ? i dont like him ..BUT i love him :D

2. Do you find Edward Cullen hot?
when it's gaspard ulliel who play as edward cullen .. YES

3. Do you like Jacob Black?
HELL YEAH !!!!!! hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot shapeshifter !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and he's only 16 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
no offense la , but i thinks jacob IS WAYYY HOTTER than edward cullen[cos it's not played by gaspard:'( ]

4) Do you find Jacob Black hot?

DUHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

just take a look at his EIGHT packs !!!!!!!!!


OMG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he definetly hotter than edward ( no offense ) but it's the true mah !! >.<

8) You love Edward and Jacob. Who would you choose?
BOTH PUN SUKA LA .. but still prefer jac0b !

9) Your best friend got close to Edward. Will you feel jealous?
like what ? always hangout together ? always talk to each other ? well , if she dare would'nt wanna know what will happen (:
although i prefer jacob , but edward is always my babe ! so the answer for this question is prettyy obvious right ? ;)

10) You got kissed by someone and he's not human.What will you do?
l0l ...kissed by who ? edward ? jacob ? jasper ? siapa ? depends who lor ..
*hope that jacob black will kiss me * 0pps ...did i just said that ? :X
depends who and whether is he HOT ..hehe

11) Carlisle or Edward?

12) Family or vampire?
vampireeeee ee e e e e e e eeeeeee e :D

13) Love or Friends?
but for now ..... FRIENDS !!!!!!!!!

14) If the guy you love leaves you exactly like how Edward had left Bella, what would you do?

i 'll kick his b**** out of him ***** !!! <--just jk ^^ hmmmmmm.... well , he better dont leave or he 'll get his balasan >_<

15) If Edward gives you 520 roses, will you love him in return?
520 : i love you in madarin
ofcoz ...duhhh !!
who wont ?
edward cullen makes boy turned GAY !!!!!!

16) Five things you hate about Edward.

1)he has a very yong shui l00k offense la

2) he's fat ..sorry

3) errrrr..

4) hmmm..

5 ) 0kayy..i've ntg ..

17) Five things you hate about Jacob.

1) hmmmmm.

2) nothing

3) nothing

4) too perfect ..

5) to be hated (:

18) Four things you love about Edward...

1) romantic (:

2) stunning eye @.@

3) cutee

4) the way he react..

5) 0kayy..i 've ntg..

19) Three things you love about Jacob...

1) he's hot

2) he's cuteee

3) his EIGHT packs @.@

20) Two things that you love about Bella...

1) errrrrrrrrrrrr....

2) she's hot ? (:

21) If you love Edward,and he promises you something that he didn't fulfill,what will you do?
hmmmmm..depends on what is it (:

he's always my babe :D
22. Last question, if both Jacob and Edward says "I love you" to you at the same time,same place,same venue,what will you do?
faint* / blush* / dreams cometrue * . ... . . .OMG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my dreams cometrue !

23. more.. If you got married to Edward, will you force him to transform you as soon as possible so that he could make love with you?

like duhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (:

i love him !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i tags

- haans kor kor :D

-ambie :D

-twilight-ers :D

-you you you ! :D

-nicole :D

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

dang-it ! sch00l bus late means me and j0anna late (:
chinese double periods :/ , busy folding stars for haans kor kor ..shhhh!
and teacher noticed , where's all my skills to hide stuff from teacher ? :/
then later , we went to bilik music .....all the malays hide in surau (dono how to spell) ..cos they donwan to sing ..wth ? l0l..
during psv .. puan prema kinda (censored) it's like OMG !! :O
at first , she banged table , scream and blablabla..after that ..
she called some dude out and poke him .. he laughed , then she were like --> >:O
she wanna slap him ..guess wat ? he laughed again! then.....out of no where ..she called me out , i rolled my eyes , then she poke me .. i ROLLED my EYES again :D
OMG i seriously HATE her.. opps ! did i just said tat ? :X
psv exam , i spend 30 mins ++ on tat stupid pencil box (drawing) and all i got is a (censored) 75% .
wth !!!!!!!!! she darn pilih kasih weih !!!!!!
just because i lost my colour pencil and asked everyone did they saw my colour pencil .doesnt mean she can become so pilih kasih right ?
bm was fun , they did a drama :D it's funny :P
done the geografi project although the dead line is on end of september ~ nic/reg so rajin !

yeah , i saw haans korkor todayy .. but takut to give him the star la
1st reason is ... he's surrounded by HUMAN :D
2st reason is.... haven write 'goodluck in PERCUBAAN spm' :D
3st reason is ... haven draw pacman on the box yet :D
4st reason is ..i takut he tak suka la.
and blablabla...just SHHH ! dont tell him ! wanna give him a suprise (hope he didnt reads my blog )

and he said ..tmr is the percubaan ! :D
goodluck !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
did a quiz

How Fucking Random Are You?!
created with
You scored as Could Be More Random... tend to be on the random side, but you could be more random. Try harder.

Random As HELL


Could Be More Random...


Not Random At All


toodles !

Monday, September 8, 2008

todayy woke up with a headache , been forced to go to sch00l ..again ..
ouch ! it 's hurt :/
bathed ( washes my hair ) t00k an hour to bath + wash hair ..l0l.
dang - it ! almost late ..didnt get to blow my hair ..
went in the sch00l bus with a wet hair :/
OMG ! hanna tak dtg ke sekolah ..have to sit alone :/
school was boring........
busy folding stars (: till my hand cacated
colour/draw a few cute stuff and stick it on the box !
should i give you ? hmmmmmm..i have no idea la , but amanda said that stuff l00ks like given by gf not sister..
todayy , we practiced to nyanyi lagu .. cos tmr got pertandingan mah (:
played BUTT - push with regine/amanda/j0anna ..

doubts ..

Sunday, September 7, 2008

todayy kinda boring ..
i fold the stars till my hand cacated liao :/
seriously hope youu will like it ..
omg !! i spend the whole dayy folding stars and forgot to read twilight ...
dang it ! sam a.ka. jared on supernatural memang hot ! >.< >
thx ber :D

1. Post these rules before you give your facts.
2. List 8 random facts about yourself.
3. At the end of your post, choose 8 people to tag and list their names, linking to them.
4. Leave a comment on their blog, letting them know they're tagged.

1. i 'm a girl who needs to cut down some FATS :/
2. i'm extremely BLUR :D
3. i'm extremely clumsy :P
4. i (censored) when i 'm emo :/
5. i 'm extremely RANDOM :D
6. i sayang my kor ;D
7. i hate myself ..
Tag :
1. joanna
2. haans
3. amanda
4. nicky
5. regine
6. sengie
7. reno san (:
8. :P <--a chick


Saturday, September 6, 2008


well , todayy w0ke up at 10 ? and didnt Wanted to wake up but been forced :/
didnt go to school cos joanna lazy ..
went to shop to help mom and buy (censored's gift)
spend TONS of cash at the gift , it's expensive !
sorry tiada gambar , camera rosak :/
it's a gold box ..full of imaginary friends that u can talk to , when ya bored..
full with STARS .. #.# <---mata rosak cos it's too beautiful !!
after blablabla..
went to tesco to buy my *ahem*
mom: choose which 1 you want la :D
carmen: but but but but..all SOOO weird l00king 1 ? o.o <--innocent face
sales gal : (laugh silently)
mom: faster choose la >.< <--- unpatient face
carmen: but why they keep poking the middle part 1 ?
sales gal : (laugh)
carmen: comment :)

after buying some junk ! yeah, mushmallow !!!!!! and lollipop !!!!
tasted a new drink called dono-wtv-MALT ..decided to try ABIT..
OMg , it's smells like PATI AYAM !
and taste like SHIT ! <--when i said SHIT..i mean it (:
cant drink it anyomore , if i continue .. u may see a women half dead cos of that suckie drink ..
WEEE ! found a rubbish bin to throw it away (: (:
then , a salesgal for nestive ( forgot the name liao )...she said..WOW,it's gross right ?
i nodded , then a housewife came and keep asking me question and I IGNORESD her .. i 'm evil ..hehe
then ..blablabla..
now , i 'm eating 'chickadees' , mushmallow .. I SHOULD CUT DOWN ON EATING THOSE STUFF !!!!!!
*bleyk , trying to act like there's gross *
*force mineself to throw it away*
u see..all this is for my own 's sake ^^

lalala :D
i love you babe !

Thursday, September 4, 2008


didnt sleep well because of my stomach , keracunan makanan !!..
woke up although i didnt sleep..bathed and stuff ..i 'm been forced to go school :/
went to perpustakaan for bi , my stomach pain like siaoz !! it feel like a chainsaw cutting through my stomach ..i felt like dying on that moment.. thankx to amanda for teman-ed me to her (:
after (censored) , i feel better but it's still hurts :/
after all the random chats and blablabla..
during recess , saya and amanda bought porridge .. we pour 2 bowls of porridge into 1 bowl...l0l, coz wanna share with joanna mah (:
after all those FAKE studys .it's kh periods.....
went to bengkel , did kerja kayu ..the god-damn-screw cant get in the kayu ! :/
after blablabla..
walked back from jo's condo again and it's raining again..haihxx
bought roti planta <-----delicious man!!! and mango juice for lunch eating it right now..delicious ..lalalalala.... drew this yesterdayy coz of my random-ness (: cantik kan ?? i grab this picture from jo's blog ..thankx to her ! (: well , been tagged by ambie ..tags ROCKS ! (:

1) What curse do you use?
guess-it-urself ! (:

2) What are you listening to now?
Simple Plan - Your Love Is A Lie <--- so so true !
3) Who is the person you talk most to?
joanna ...ofcause (:

4) What time is my alarm clock set?
i-dont-use-alarm ..HEHE

5) Do you wear flipflops when it's cold?
yeap..maybe ?

6) Would you rather take the picture or be in the picture?
both both both ! XP

7) What was the last movie you watched?
forgot ady la ...sry

8) Do any of your friends have children?
mom's friends la..not MY friend..

9) Has anyone called you lazy?
yeap..almost everyone :D

10) Do you ever take medication to make you fall asleep?
depends :D

11) What CD is in your CD player?

12) Do you prefer regular or chocolate milk?
chocolate milk =D <--- rocks !

13) Has anyone told you a secret this week?
tons of secret ..shhh..

14) When was the last time you went to Starbucks?
sundayy :)

15) Can you whistle?
yeahhh ^^

16) Do you think people talk about you behind your back?
ofcause la..who doesnt ?

17) Did you watch cartoons as a child?'s rocks ..

18) What movie do you know every line to?
gossip girl <--is that a movie ? obviously NOT..just playing around la :D

19) Do you own any brand T-shirts?
yeahh lolz

20) Is anyone in love with you?

21) Do you do your own dishes?
sometimes..depends la

22) Ever cry in public?
ofcause :'(

23) Are you on a desktop computer or a laptop?
computer ..lolz

24) Are you wanting any piercings or tattoos?
piercings and tattoos :D

25) What's the weather like?
the-weather-after-raining ..lolz

26) Would you ever date someone covered in tattoos?
depends la..

27) What did you do before this?
makan my delicious lunch :B

28) When was the last time you slept on the couch?
lupa la ..

29) How many hours of sleep do you need to function properly?
7 maybe ?

30) Do you eat breakfast daily?
depends on what is it ..hehe

31) Are your days full and fast-paced?
....dont know.

32) Do you pay attention to the calories you eat in food?
yeap..ofcause...duhh..who doesnt ?

33) Do you use sarcasm?

34) Are you picky about spelling and grammar?
during exams.

35) Have you been to Six Flags?
what ?????

36) Do you get along with the same sex or the opposite sex?
both. :D

37) Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
nope...still single and avaible ! :D

38) Do you sleep on your side or back?
side ! ...

39) Do you watch the news?
depend on what show is next ..lolz

40) One of your scars, how did you get it?
motorbike bang ? :/

41) Who was the last person to make you cry?
(censored) ..sry..cant tell .. :/

42) How's the survey?
is FUN coz i'm bored :D

Now tag 5 people:
haans kor kor :D
joanna :D
amanda :D
nicole :D
:D <--- it's a human !!! and it's smiling / laughing ..lolz.'s 5 *points above* lalalalaaa. toodles.. hope you guys will do this tag !!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

i love walking under the rain ..

sivik teacher called us to bring bunga raya for sivik . i tak bawa because ..
1) i dont want to destroy the bunga
2) even i puck liao , will it stay til the next day ?
3) waste time la
4) where to find ?
5) and it's the national flower ..

and teacher said s0mething sick .. l0lx ? (nah, not g0na tell ya ..t00 SICK!)
after that was sejarah .. cik m0ganan discuss homework..and she blame me for not doing my 'tugas' , actually i did ..but angela blame me ..wth ? i kena demerit because of her..
we didnt go padang during p.e because malay puasa ..
cik rohini did LOTS of funny movement/action ..we laugh like siaoz ..
after that , sch00l was boring .. as usual ..haihxxx.
u can suck balls :D
what ball-s ?
fishball la..DUHH =_=''
ohh..i thought it was man's balls :D:D
SWT !!
yea..t000 b0red :P:P
PINK sucks !
what ?...i though u says...nvm
what ? u though i said what ?
errrr..SWT ? =_=''
u cant blame me for being (censored) right ???
i drew a cute lilz doll who says 'suck balls la' with a angry's sooo cutee..but it's with j0anna.. haha..

after sch00l , walked back fr0m j0anna 's cond0 to mine (:'s raining CATS AND DOGS... now i 'm a wet wet wet hamster siting infront of the com ..TYPING !..
all the smelly /gay cars dont let me cross the god-damn-road ! i have to wait bout more than 5 mins WITHOUT AN UMBRELLA ! ..then everyone give me this stare--> O.O ..
i were like ..ohh..what's wrong with a wet hamster ??
l0l .. i 'm b0reedd .didnt get to see my kor ?
well , i 'm EXTREMELY wet noww..
and..i hope that tmr i 'll ger fever , so tak payah go to sch00l (: (:
fever pls come..x10000000000000000000
p/s ..I HATE RAINS !
todayy is a wenesdayy , L0Lx .
sadly , hanna can't eat with us during recess because she puasa (:
after recess was science ..
we tell T0Ns 0f j0ke , did i menti0n it's Sick ? l0lx ..
after that was MATH ..double periods summ0re ..kesian me abit la..
we had 0ur class test or whatever it's called (: m0st 0f the questi0n i 'tembak' ..hehe.
then b.m , we though can g0 library 1 the end , cik aini says it's english week .. l0lx ?
finally school end already ..WEEEE !!
saw my bel0ved k0r , wave at him .yeah..HE R0CKS !! and did i menti0n he's extremely hot too ? WE hate l0ve his glasses ! it's awes0me !!!!!!!!!!
after that ...blablabla..
walked fr0m j0anna's c0ndo to my c0nd0 .. it's tiring >.<
haven makan my lunch yet .. g0ing to buy it fr0m the stall ..

and ...gaspard ulliel is sooooooooooooox10000000 HOT .
yeah, that's my lipstick ! MUAKX !
so ..t00dles !
p/s gaspard ulliel and my kor rocks my w0rld !!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Joanna's here ;]

Hey! Joanna here. carmen is really depressed/emo/sad/feel self-injured because of (cens0red).. He asked carmen to be gf BUT he told all his friends that carmen wanted to couple with him. Carmen says he sucks balls. LOL. ouch , does it hurts?
todayy was n0rmal except me being lilz bit t000 high ? lols ?
during sivik , we talked bout the negara blablabla.
then sivik teacher saids ' the ppl cannot bogelkan other ppls an ' , 'why they wanna bogelkan' ?
then adrian answer ' because they wanna make porn video '
LOLS ? form1 ady thinks sick liao...>.< lol
well..tat's all for todayy
got to find a suitable layout for our friendship
t0ddles !

Monday, September 1, 2008

lols ?

well , todayy i spend the whole day reading twilight , no doubt IT'S AWESOME !! :P
the awesome blog *p00f* liao..thankx to (censored) .. so dont waste your time searching for it . l0lx.
yEah , cl0se friends DO fight !! ;)
the dayy before yesterdayy , i had a very hard time , because (censored) confess to me .. l0lx.
i were like --> O.O ''do i know you'' ? ..l0lx yeah a random dude confess to me ..i have no idea what to do , have to thankx sang haans kor kor !! ^^ no doubt , HE ROCKS ! (:
haaha....i haven finish the the homework that cik aini gave..SHIT LA !

fyi , i 'll puasa with the malays ..wonder why ??? coz i 'm TOOOOO F-A-T !!
i seriously have to lost some weight !!
and dont be surpise if tmr u saw my hair ..
coz i 'm tooo b0red lia0 .. so i straighten my hair .. :P
it's not permanet so dont worry if i l00k WEIRD !
l00k ! *point above* he's sooooooooooo HOOOOOOTTTTT !!!!!! tongueout cutie ! :P:P:p
well , t00dl3S..