Monday, September 22, 2008

happy dayy

gosh , i ♥ todayy (:
during kemahiran hidup , i sat on a 3 legged chair (yeah,tak seimbang)
have to tumpu perhatian or else i 'll fall :O
felt darn sleepy , wanna to curi-curi tidur 1.but teacher were staring at me :O
so.. i forced myself to baca .. so i WONT felt asleep :D (yeah,i know i'm smart)[perasan] :P
during recess , all form5-es pun recess with us . (:
was eating my chee-chong-fun , saw my kor (:
i were like OMG! makan chee-chong-fun will very gelojoh 1 lerh... >.< paiseh!
after that ...blablabla(awesome moment) [no,i 'm NOT gonna tell..coz i donwan joanna to be jealous ]
yes,i'm very happy (:
i ♥ today like siaoz (:
too bad weisim X datang larh.
i sms-es puan.sow bout joanna 's stuff ..
and she didnt discuss bout it -_-
i were like 'ehh,i spend 20$ per sms leh' .. yes, i sms-ed her more than 1 times.
aiyeah, too HAPPY to blog ..
taddaa (:

Ego Box

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