Thursday, September 4, 2008


didnt sleep well because of my stomach , keracunan makanan !!..
woke up although i didnt sleep..bathed and stuff ..i 'm been forced to go school :/
went to perpustakaan for bi , my stomach pain like siaoz !! it feel like a chainsaw cutting through my stomach ..i felt like dying on that moment.. thankx to amanda for teman-ed me to her (:
after (censored) , i feel better but it's still hurts :/
after all the random chats and blablabla..
during recess , saya and amanda bought porridge .. we pour 2 bowls of porridge into 1 bowl...l0l, coz wanna share with joanna mah (:
after all those FAKE studys .it's kh periods.....
went to bengkel , did kerja kayu ..the god-damn-screw cant get in the kayu ! :/
after blablabla..
walked back from jo's condo again and it's raining again..haihxx
bought roti planta <-----delicious man!!! and mango juice for lunch eating it right now..delicious ..lalalalala.... drew this yesterdayy coz of my random-ness (: cantik kan ?? i grab this picture from jo's blog ..thankx to her ! (: well , been tagged by ambie ..tags ROCKS ! (:

1) What curse do you use?
guess-it-urself ! (:

2) What are you listening to now?
Simple Plan - Your Love Is A Lie <--- so so true !
3) Who is the person you talk most to?
joanna ...ofcause (:

4) What time is my alarm clock set?
i-dont-use-alarm ..HEHE

5) Do you wear flipflops when it's cold?
yeap..maybe ?

6) Would you rather take the picture or be in the picture?
both both both ! XP

7) What was the last movie you watched?
forgot ady la ...sry

8) Do any of your friends have children?
mom's friends la..not MY friend..

9) Has anyone called you lazy?
yeap..almost everyone :D

10) Do you ever take medication to make you fall asleep?
depends :D

11) What CD is in your CD player?

12) Do you prefer regular or chocolate milk?
chocolate milk =D <--- rocks !

13) Has anyone told you a secret this week?
tons of secret ..shhh..

14) When was the last time you went to Starbucks?
sundayy :)

15) Can you whistle?
yeahhh ^^

16) Do you think people talk about you behind your back?
ofcause la..who doesnt ?

17) Did you watch cartoons as a child?'s rocks ..

18) What movie do you know every line to?
gossip girl <--is that a movie ? obviously NOT..just playing around la :D

19) Do you own any brand T-shirts?
yeahh lolz

20) Is anyone in love with you?

21) Do you do your own dishes?
sometimes..depends la

22) Ever cry in public?
ofcause :'(

23) Are you on a desktop computer or a laptop?
computer ..lolz

24) Are you wanting any piercings or tattoos?
piercings and tattoos :D

25) What's the weather like?
the-weather-after-raining ..lolz

26) Would you ever date someone covered in tattoos?
depends la..

27) What did you do before this?
makan my delicious lunch :B

28) When was the last time you slept on the couch?
lupa la ..

29) How many hours of sleep do you need to function properly?
7 maybe ?

30) Do you eat breakfast daily?
depends on what is it ..hehe

31) Are your days full and fast-paced?
....dont know.

32) Do you pay attention to the calories you eat in food?
yeap..ofcause...duhh..who doesnt ?

33) Do you use sarcasm?

34) Are you picky about spelling and grammar?
during exams.

35) Have you been to Six Flags?
what ?????

36) Do you get along with the same sex or the opposite sex?
both. :D

37) Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
nope...still single and avaible ! :D

38) Do you sleep on your side or back?
side ! ...

39) Do you watch the news?
depend on what show is next ..lolz

40) One of your scars, how did you get it?
motorbike bang ? :/

41) Who was the last person to make you cry?
(censored) ..sry..cant tell .. :/

42) How's the survey?
is FUN coz i'm bored :D

Now tag 5 people:
haans kor kor :D
joanna :D
amanda :D
nicole :D
:D <--- it's a human !!! and it's smiling / laughing ..lolz.'s 5 *points above* lalalalaaa. toodles.. hope you guys will do this tag !!

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