Saturday, September 6, 2008


well , todayy w0ke up at 10 ? and didnt Wanted to wake up but been forced :/
didnt go to school cos joanna lazy ..
went to shop to help mom and buy (censored's gift)
spend TONS of cash at the gift , it's expensive !
sorry tiada gambar , camera rosak :/
it's a gold box ..full of imaginary friends that u can talk to , when ya bored..
full with STARS .. #.# <---mata rosak cos it's too beautiful !!
after blablabla..
went to tesco to buy my *ahem*
mom: choose which 1 you want la :D
carmen: but but but but..all SOOO weird l00king 1 ? o.o <--innocent face
sales gal : (laugh silently)
mom: faster choose la >.< <--- unpatient face
carmen: but why they keep poking the middle part 1 ?
sales gal : (laugh)
carmen: comment :)

after buying some junk ! yeah, mushmallow !!!!!! and lollipop !!!!
tasted a new drink called dono-wtv-MALT ..decided to try ABIT..
OMg , it's smells like PATI AYAM !
and taste like SHIT ! <--when i said SHIT..i mean it (:
cant drink it anyomore , if i continue .. u may see a women half dead cos of that suckie drink ..
WEEE ! found a rubbish bin to throw it away (: (:
then , a salesgal for nestive ( forgot the name liao )...she said..WOW,it's gross right ?
i nodded , then a housewife came and keep asking me question and I IGNORESD her .. i 'm evil ..hehe
then ..blablabla..
now , i 'm eating 'chickadees' , mushmallow .. I SHOULD CUT DOWN ON EATING THOSE STUFF !!!!!!
*bleyk , trying to act like there's gross *
*force mineself to throw it away*
u see..all this is for my own 's sake ^^

lalala :D
i love you babe !

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