Thursday, September 25, 2008

i skipped school todayy which i'm having a terrible stomach problem.. :| joanna gonna be very mad at me ..sob ! well..since i'm free and ntg to blog abot ..why dont just blog bout my Old sweet school -puay chai (1)

during children day...boy mad bout game (:
my beloved beloved beloved TEACHER !

hall .. (:
yeah,chinese dance ..cant find me right ?
gay poses (:

try to find me if u can (:
me and stephanie (:

bryan and chen fei ..LOL
dancing class..
my beloved beloved teacher again (:
if u can find me, dont mind my messy/retard face (: cream madness..

my old besties ...i present ..taddaaaaa-hui ying (: staring at this picture just make me felt sad and regret (for not camwhore)..ahaha
i♥my dancing teacher.

i♥my friends.

i♥everyone (:

i♥U !
hope to go back puaychai during children dayy ..
but ..if i'm not mistaken ..the NEW pengetua said cannot goback.
i were like 'holy crap ,worst pengetua ever' (no offense)
i misss everyone (:
hope to see them on children dayy (:


Ego Box

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